Dragon Age Inquisition. Is it any good?

8 Mar 2013
Since playing Gothic on PC almost 15 years ago, I have always had myself down as a big RPG fan...except I find that most RPGs tend to bore the pants of me.

RPGs such as....well, anything Bioware and anything Bethesda, which means:

Oblivion, Skyrim, Fall Out, Mass Effect 1-3, Dragon Age 1-2...etc.etc... and lots more besides.

I did however enjoy Gothic 1-3, Risen 1-2, and also The Witcher 1-2.

I am pointing all this out in the off chance that there is someone with a similar vein in RPG tastes, who might twig with what I like and don't like in an RPG game, and who might have given Dragon Age Inqusition a whirl.

Now, I got bored out my head playing the first one....never bothered with the second. But this third one looks as though it might be a little bit different from the rest?

Is it any good, or is it just yet another souless AAA title with bought and paid for rave reviews all over the gaming media?
It's a good game.. I couldn't get in to it as much as I hoped but I never played the first games. I keep going back to skyrim lol
But what other rpgs do you rate?

Fallout 3, New Vegas, Divinity Original Sin, Borderland series, Dying Light...

I'm also a sucker for JRPG's, although there's a bit of a dearth of them at the moment.
I got bored playing the first one, couldn't get into skyrim, and like the witcher games, and I thought Inquisition was awesome. It took about 15 mins to get into, but then I was hooked. Huge beautiful maps, good story, fun combat that complex enough to engage me but not so chewy that it slowed things down. I recommend it.

It's not perfect, but it's very good.
I got a fair bit in then simply gave up, it's an MMO without other players, grind grind grin or you can focus on the story and be through it fairly quickly.

It gives a good illusion of not being linear as hell.
Is it any good, or is it just yet another souless AAA title with bought and paid for rave reviews all over the gaming media?

Just because it's not to your taste doesn't mean it doesn't deserve good reviews.

Personally I think it's a very good game but from the list of games you don't like I'm pretty certain you wont like it.
Apart from graphics I found it inferior to the DA:O in every way. Stopped playing it half way through.
I like it, took me a long time to get into it and I really liked DA2 and this to me didn't feel like a DA game at first
I was having some SLI flickering texture issues that put me off as well

I keep coming back to it though so something is keeping me hooked
TNA that's pretty much what happened to me, the story was OK but it didn't drag me in. I've since reinstalled my OS etc and felt no reason to reinstall it and continue. Felt far too grindy and pointless for some reason.
DA:O is much better but its a lot closer to DA:O than da2.
I really liked it they did themselves well with this one.

(Other games played mass effect, elder scrolls games, witcher games)
TNA that's pretty much what happened to me, the story was OK but it didn't drag me in. I've since reinstalled my OS etc and felt no reason to reinstall it and continue. Felt far too grindy and pointless for some reason.

I think one of the problems is they try to make the game appeal and accessible to more people and in doing so lose what made DA:O such a good game.

Many people through Mass Effect 2 and 3 was good/better than the first one, but once they stripped out much of the RPG elements to me it lost a what made Mass Effect so good. Though I thought Mass Effect had such a great story, 2 & 3 just did not do it justice, in my opinion anyway.
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