Since playing Gothic on PC almost 15 years ago, I have always had myself down as a big RPG fan...except I find that most RPGs tend to bore the pants of me.
RPGs such as....well, anything Bioware and anything Bethesda, which means:
Oblivion, Skyrim, Fall Out, Mass Effect 1-3, Dragon Age 1-2...etc.etc... and lots more besides.
I did however enjoy Gothic 1-3, Risen 1-2, and also The Witcher 1-2.
I am pointing all this out in the off chance that there is someone with a similar vein in RPG tastes, who might twig with what I like and don't like in an RPG game, and who might have given Dragon Age Inqusition a whirl.
Now, I got bored out my head playing the first one....never bothered with the second. But this third one looks as though it might be a little bit different from the rest?
Is it any good, or is it just yet another souless AAA title with bought and paid for rave reviews all over the gaming media?
RPGs such as....well, anything Bioware and anything Bethesda, which means:
Oblivion, Skyrim, Fall Out, Mass Effect 1-3, Dragon Age 1-2...etc.etc... and lots more besides.
I did however enjoy Gothic 1-3, Risen 1-2, and also The Witcher 1-2.
I am pointing all this out in the off chance that there is someone with a similar vein in RPG tastes, who might twig with what I like and don't like in an RPG game, and who might have given Dragon Age Inqusition a whirl.
Now, I got bored out my head playing the first one....never bothered with the second. But this third one looks as though it might be a little bit different from the rest?
Is it any good, or is it just yet another souless AAA title with bought and paid for rave reviews all over the gaming media?