Dragon Age Inquisition. Is it any good?

It is pretty good. Incredibly tedious in many places, but overall it is pretty good.

I gave it a 7/10. Not a patch on Origins, and certainly not in the top tier of RPGs.
It's not Origins great, but still great.

The Witcher 2 style search thing really bugs me, I much preferred the hold tab to highlight everything from Origins. I'm using a controller because PC controls aren't really all that and you have to click left stick to search, it gets tedious and I'm sure wears out the controller a bit.
I got a fair bit in then simply gave up, it's an MMO without other players, grind grind grin or you can focus on the story and be through it fairly quickly.

It gives a good illusion of not being linear as hell.

This is 100% accurate IMHO.

I hated it at first due to the horrible PC controls system. Then I stuck a joy pad in and it made it much more playable. It sounds contradictory that after 20 + hours I couldn't take the grind any more and could not be bothered completing the boring main quest. At one point the low end monsters I was killing easily in 3-4 hits suddenly became far tougher despite having much more powerful weaponry.

It is pure MMO style but as an SP game it just doesn't work due to the horrendous quest system. Also the Inventory UI is abysmal.

If you don't like the following then do not purchase.
  • Grindy fetch/kill missions
  • Levelling AI
  • Random loot
  • Contrived crafting system
  • Poor controls
  • Poor UI
  • Horrendous character animations
  • Total inability to switch weapon sets during fights. You can't switch from ranged to close combat weapons when enemy AI closes to close quarters.

The reason I played it for so long is because there are simply no other RPGs out there right now and I wanted it to get better. In the end I realised playing a poor RGP for the sake of it was a monumental waste of time.
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Also the Inventory UI is abysmal.

Always has been from Bioware to be fair. Origins has by far the best. The most amazing piece of UI design is in the crafting, where you can't even see the improvements half of the time because they stick writing over it....It is mind-boggling!
Always has been from Bioware to be fair. Origins has by far the best. The most amazing piece of UI design is in the crafting, where you can't even see the improvements half of the time because they stick writing over it....It is mind-boggling!

The inventory and crafting UI was so appalling I stopped upgrading weapons or ensuring my "thick as ****" AI companions has the best weapons/armour.

The entire game just became one big chore.
I really enjoyed it. As others have pointed out; not as good as Origins which is my favorite out of the three; it was far better than two.

Large worlds; story was fairly decent and companion quests were good. It had issues like UI was poor; and controls for k/m were a little clunky and seemed playing with a controller was better option at times. I didn't have major issues with it though others did.

RPGs? Balder's Gate, BGII; *greatest rpg of all time Planescape Torment* NWNs; NWN II; KOTOR, KOTOR II, Fallout, Fallout II, Fallout 3, Fallout NV, Wasteland, Wasteland 2, Shadowrun, Shadowrun Returns, Shadowrun Returns: Dragonfall; Mass Effect, ME 2, ME 3*ugh that ending* ......*can keep going but I'm RPG fan* :D
inquisition is good, but origins was way better

imo origins made you feel like part of the story, iquisitions just can't quite capture that =x
If you don't like the following then do not purchase.
  • Grindy fetch/kill missions
  • Levelling AI
  • Random loot
  • Contrived crafting system
  • Poor controls
  • Poor UI
  • Horrendous character animations
  • Total inability to switch weapon sets during fights. You can't switch from ranged to close combat weapons when enemy AI closes to close quarters.


Ok...got what I needed to get from this thread. Those who are saying it's great either love all the RPGs that I hate, or are saying that Dragon Age Origins was much better. Looks like this is one to miss alright, especially since it is still selling for 40GBP.

The reason I played it for so long is because there are simply no other RPGs out there right now and I wanted it to get better. In the end I realised playing a poor RGP for the sake of it was a monumental waste of time.

The above is exactly how I felt playing Skyrim, Mass Effect, Dragon Age etc... It is as though the hype and 'positivity' surrounding the game gets the better of your own personal judgement and you feel compelled to press on with something that you would have otherwise ditched long ago.

U may want to give Risen 3 a try.

It has crap reviews especially from the English speaking press, but then so have all Piranha Bytes games. In Risen 3, the combat is of the twitch/action variety, and I can't pretend that it is any good. Many of the characters are totally gay as is a lot of the dialogue. The storytelling is cheesey, and the voice acting is atrocious. Character development is widely varied, but highly imbalanced. Also the game/graphics engine is by now very dated looking, although the visuals are still very attractive in their own right, in the sense that the Risen 3 world has an ornate quality about it.

However, despite my less than glowing description above, I am finding that I am immensely enjoying this game. I think the key that makes PB games (Gothic 1-3, Risen 1 - 3) so immersive is the care and attention to detail that goes into the creation of their worlds. There is not a single item in the game that hasn't been placed by hand. This means things like no random loot. Finding a good stash of treasure really means something in this game. It also means that the environments are a joy to explore, as opposed to the visually stunning vistas of a game like Skyrim, which also happen to be completely empty of content or purpose other than to serve as a space-time barrier in between the bazillion generic dungeons. Oh yeah, and the baddies don't level up either. I can't actually believe that any developer would include such a widley hated feature in a modern RPG. This would be reason alone for me to steer well clear of Inquisition.

Anyhow, The Witcher 3 will soon hit and that looks like the RPG to blow all other RPGs right out the water........but I was kind of scrambling around looking for a good RPG to take with me on my next imminently looming stint sailing the seven seas.
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One of the guys who played Witcher 3 at press preview event said recently:

"Soon Dragon Age Inquisition will only be remembered as a bad dream, even by those who liked it."

One of the guys who played Witcher 3 at press preview event said recently:

"Soon Dragon Age Inquisition will only be remembered as a bad dream, even by those who liked it."


lol im desperately trying to like it ... don't have a feel for my character like I did in Origins or DA2
I disagree with the Witcher 3, the previous 2 are so highly rated but I simply could never get into them? They were simply not gripping enough. I'd love to put more time into them, but I just can't stand them!

Witcher 3 will be very like DA:I in my eyes, catering for the casuals.
I disagree with the Witcher 3, the previous 2 are so highly rated but I simply could never get into them? They were simply not gripping enough. I'd love to put more time into them, but I just can't stand them!

Witcher 3 will be very like DA:I in my eyes, catering for the casuals.

Sad you could not get into them since they are amazing (especially second), but your second paragraph is literally 100% wrong.
It's a good, solid game that ultimately feels as if it's been made by computer algorithms with characters and script designed by politicians to keep everything politically correct.

Basically it's not risky, doesn't push any boundaries but it's still a decent, solid game that you can pour hours into. Just don't expect to have any nice KotOR, Mass Effect or Jade Empire type memories because it's forgettable.
Sad you could not get into them since they are amazing (especially second), but your second paragraph is literally 100% wrong.

Unfortunatly I've seen 1 screenshot and one short clip of the Witcher, but it going to console will just kill it, like DA.

Mind you, I absolutely love DA:I, not sure why. I guess it's because it's my favorite type of game (RPG) in a casual container, easy for me to pick up in the evenings after a long day at work. No thought required. A few quests here and there, then relaxed.

As for the Witcher 3, maybe I've been heavily misinformed. The issues I had with the first 2 was mostly combat, it was awful and clunky... Story, I had no connection to what's his face, his voice was flat and monotone 90% of the time.
DAI is one of the few games I enjoyed from start to finish. yes it's noob friendly and yes it can get repetitive much like most games these days, but still enjoyed the whole experience and it's not that short either if you go after everything.
I am a complete sucker for RPGs and loved all the ones you mentioned - those you liked and those you didn't.

Going off your list of likes/dislikes, though, I'd say as others have that it's debatable whether you'd like DA:I

However, I have an inkling going by what you've said there that you'd get a lot of enjoyment out of Two Worlds II.
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