Dragon Age Inquisition. Is it any good?

I am a complete sucker for RPGs and loved all the ones you mentioned - those you liked and those you didn't.

Going off your list of likes/dislikes, though, I'd say as others have that it's debatable whether you'd like DA:I

However, I have an inkling going by what you've said there that you'd get a lot of enjoyment out of Two Worlds II.

I gave that a try.

I found that it started very well, but then kind of lost it's way a bit. I stopped playing when I was forced to collect items in a maze tomb level, for which I had no map, and which were full of hard baddies.

'Mazes' are not fun in computer games. Not ever. At least, almost not ever.

Know of any others that I may have missed?

RPGs I have played and enjoyed:

Gothic 1-3
Risen 1-3
Witcher 1-2
Divinity Draken Saga
Deus Ex HR (to the extent that it is an RPG, which it isn't really)

RPGs that bored the **** of me:

Kingdoms of Amalur
Bioware collection....(yep, the entire lot from KoTR to Dragon Age Origins)

I can't think of any others.....

(got to be 3rd person/1st person). Got no time for the Diablo style from top down perspective.
I gave that a try.

I found that it started very well, but then kind of lost it's way a bit. I stopped playing when I was forced to collect items in a maze tomb level, for which I had no map, and which were full of hard baddies.

'Mazes' are not fun in computer games. Not ever. At least, almost not ever.

Know of any others that I may have missed?

RPGs I have played and enjoyed:

Gothic 1-3
Risen 1-3
Witcher 1-2
Divinity Draken Saga
Deus Ex HR (to the extent that it is an RPG, which it isn't really)

RPGs that bored the **** of me:

Kingdoms of Amalur
Bioware collection....(yep, the entire lot from KoTR to Dragon Age Origins)

I can't think of any others.....

(got to be 3rd person/1st person). Got no time for the Diablo style from top down perspective.

Hmm, I don't remember that bit, but then it has been ages since I played it. I generally hate mazes too (who doesn't!) but guess I must have persevered through it. I will say though that TW2 does get really interesting when you get a bit further and get the chance to do funky things with the magic system.

I don't think what differentiates your likes and dislikes is necessarily that one set is comprised of proper RPGs and the other isn't. I don't see Amalur or Skyrim as any more case-typical for RPGs than Gothic 1-3, Witcher or Divinity. I feel like I've got a general feel for what you like based on this (and I personally think Gothic 3 is one the very best RPG experiences ever made, once it's properly patched anyway), but not sure what to add to the list.

However, if we are thinking of the lighter RPG elements of Deux Ex HR as well, then I wonder if you've tried Dishonored? That has about as much in the way of RPG elements (basic ability trees, loot, some crafting) and it might fit with what floats your boat.
A long shot but what about XCOM Enemy Unknown? RPG elements to it but nothing like the traditional RPGs you say you don't like. It's a superb game.
Hmm, I don't remember that bit, but then it has been ages since I played it. I generally hate mazes too (who doesn't!) but guess I must have persevered through it. I will say though that TW2 does get really interesting when you get a bit further and get the chance to do funky things with the magic system.

I don't think what differentiates your likes and dislikes is necessarily that one set is comprised of proper RPGs and the other isn't. I don't see Amalur or Skyrim as any more case-typical for RPGs than Gothic 1-3, Witcher or Divinity. I feel like I've got a general feel for what you like based on this (and I personally think Gothic 3 is one the very best RPG experiences ever made, once it's properly patched anyway), but not sure what to add to the list.

However, if we are thinking of the lighter RPG elements of Deux Ex HR as well, then I wonder if you've tried Dishonored? That has about as much in the way of RPG elements (basic ability trees, loot, some crafting) and it might fit with what floats your boat.

Yeah...Dishonored was fantastic....grade A game all around with a brilliant story and great ideas lifted right from high grade comic writers. I ignored it when it first came out cos it had 'Bethesda' on the tin, but nothing like a Bethesda game as I know them.

I remember even more clearly now what turned me off TW2. It wasn't only a maze quest as an unavoidable main quest, with hard baddies and no map....but it was timed as well! Whatever where they thinking of?

I just find that most if not all of the big US made RPGs lack substance and heart. In Bioware RPGs, which focus most on character development. All the characters are gay and I want them all to die. In Bethesda RPGs, (I played Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3), that characters are too flat to even be described as gay. Of course, Bethesda RPGs have vast stunning open world evironments full of....practically nothing. Amongst all the marketing hype and consumer self-hypnosis surrounding Skyrim for example, I have seen it described as a 'mile wide and an inch deep' on numerous occasions. As for Amalur..pffft. Easily the most boring RPG I ever played, which is a shame cos the combat in that game was pretty decent, if not a bit far too easy.

The PB games (Gothic/Risen) offer hand crafted interesting worlds to explore and what these games lack in 'character development', they make up for in making me actually care about the characters and their advancement in those games. Witcher games offer some of the best storytelling in any PC game, and I thought the combat mechanics in the Witcher 2 were excellent....shame about the restricted environments with the invisible barriers (which I have always hated with a passion). Divinity Draken Saga I really loved as well, but the makers of that game went all 'isometric' for their follow up title and I just couldn't see me ever getting into any isometric based RPG or RTS game.

My searching around for an RPG to play brought me to Alpha Protocol. Totally missed that coming out and the gaming press are a bit down on it but that what the journalistic whores say about video games doesn't really carry a lot of weight these days...when I were a lad, you could actually trust these people.
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After one hour of Inquisition I'm regretting the purchase.
The controls are horrendous and the game-play as a whole feels so clunky and unpolished...
Anybody got a mount on da yet ?

Wonder over the north-west side of The Hinterlands if you've not got one yet.

Yeah...Dishonored was fantastic....grade A game all around with a brilliant story and great ideas lifted right from high grade comic writers. I ignored it when it first came out cos it had 'Bethesda' on the tin, but nothing like a Bethesda game as I know them.

I remember even more clearly now what turned me off TW2. It wasn't only a maze quest as an unavoidable main quest, with hard baddies and no map....but it was timed as well! Whatever where they thinking of?

I just find that most if not all of the big US made RPGs lack substance and heart. In Bioware RPGs, which focus most on character development. All the characters are gay and I want them all to die. In Bethesda RPGs, (I played Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3), that characters are too flat to even be described as gay. Of course, Bethesda RPGs have vast stunning open world evironments full of....practically nothing. Amongst all the marketing hype and consumer self-hypnosis surrounding Skyrim for example, I have seen it described as a 'mile wide and an inch deep' on numerous occasions. As for Amalur..pffft. Easily the most boring RPG I ever played, which is a shame cos the combat in that game was pretty decent, if not a bit far too easy.

The PB games (Gothic/Risen) offer hand crafted interesting worlds to explore and what these games lack in 'character development', they make up for in making me actually care about the characters and their advancement in those games. Witcher games offer some of the best storytelling in any PC game, and I thought the combat mechanics in the Witcher 2 were excellent....shame about the restricted environments with the invisible barriers (which I have always hated with a passion). Divinity Draken Saga I really loved as well, but the makers of that game went all 'isometric' for their follow up title and I just couldn't see me ever getting into any isometric based RPG or RTS game.

My searching around for an RPG to play brought me to Alpha Protocol. Totally missed that coming out and the gaming press are a bit down on it but that what the journalistic whores say about video games doesn't really carry a lot of weight these days...when I were a lad, you could actually trust these people.

Ah, Alpha Protocol. Yeah, I did quite like that and I'd forgotten all about it. It's a bit different from the others you mention (different setting, and not open world at all) but it did have a cool feel to it. It's quite a short game, a bit linear and the hub-and-instanced-missions set-up sometimes feels a bit claustrophobic. Some of the skills are neat, though, the combat's decent and there are one or two characters you can get a bit attached to.

If you can stand the dated graphics and haven't played it yet, in my opinion, the original Deus Ex still stands at the single best iteration of the type of game you seem to like. I know you can get some graphical update mods now, but let's face it, it will still look horrible by today's standards. The game itself, though... still never bettered imo. I still remember the experience of playing it through (three times in a row!) about 12 years ago - absolutely blew me away.
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Yes if you want your moneys worth I got just under 100 hours out of it on my first play through doing everything and they'll shortly be releasing some new DLC.
I disagree with the Witcher 3, the previous 2 are so highly rated but I simply could never get into them? They were simply not gripping enough. I'd love to put more time into them, but I just can't stand them!

Witcher 3 will be very like DA:I in my eyes, catering for the casuals.

I couldnt get into them either, found the combat too clunky and didnt enjoy it. Combat is the biggest thing in an RPG for me.

As for DA, I enjoyed it while it lasted but you soon out level areas(and infact the entire game) and it becomes quite trivial with no reason to visit certain zones.
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