I am a complete sucker for RPGs and loved all the ones you mentioned - those you liked and those you didn't.
Going off your list of likes/dislikes, though, I'd say as others have that it's debatable whether you'd like DA:I
However, I have an inkling going by what you've said there that you'd get a lot of enjoyment out of Two Worlds II.
I gave that a try.
I found that it started very well, but then kind of lost it's way a bit. I stopped playing when I was forced to collect items in a maze tomb level, for which I had no map, and which were full of hard baddies.
'Mazes' are not fun in computer games. Not ever. At least, almost not ever.
Know of any others that I may have missed?
RPGs I have played and enjoyed:
Gothic 1-3
Risen 1-3
Witcher 1-2
Divinity Draken Saga
Deus Ex HR (to the extent that it is an RPG, which it isn't really)
RPGs that bored the **** of me:
Kingdoms of Amalur
Bioware collection....(yep, the entire lot from KoTR to Dragon Age Origins)
I can't think of any others.....
(got to be 3rd person/1st person). Got no time for the Diablo style from top down perspective.