Dragon Age Inquisition

The decision to add a Diablo style coop is odd, it doesn't fit in the Dragon Age universe. It also means the combat will probably be action orientated, similar to MMOs, rather than tactical.

Based on what they're revealed so far, I wouldn't touch this game with a barge-pole, at least not until I read plenty of reviews and user opinions.
Yeah, actually interested now that it's got ME3 style co-op multiplayer, that was the most pleasant surprise of ME3. And it doesn't mean squat for the combat, it will be the same as ME3, just no pause button in multiplayer.
So this has multiplayer, just another reason to buy it!

Each of the three multiplayer campaigns available at launch randomly generates a large level comprised of smaller sections. you’ll fight through five of 10 pre-designed areas in one go, each with distinct variables.

Next time, you may see the same stage in a new spot, or an entirely different collection of arenas entirely, all with different enemy encounters, ideally making multiplayer missions replayable indefinitely
First Official Trailer::cool:

Loved all the ME3 MP Trailers so hope DA:I MP follows suit:cool::)

So seems more of us are excited by this news than not :cool::p love the idea of random generation and epic customisations:eek::cool::D

ME3 multiplayer was and still is major fun... apart from when you're doing a recovery mission and a Cerberus Engineer sets up a turret at the recovery point:eek::mad::D
The Witcher 3 is out soon right? :D

I'm not buying this until I see some solid reviews, and not just from IGN doing their using ass licking.

I 100% agree, something seems off with it for me...

Hopefully some reviews will clear it up.
Dragon Age, The Witcher 3 and Grand Theft Auto 5 are the only games I'm pre ordering without any reviews, next will be Half Life 3 if it's ever released.
Apart from those games nothing else is ever getting pre-ordered or bought until I see reviews from users.
There's no real reason to wait for reviews. All anybody has to do is just watch this thread on release day and see if the preorder brigade go apoplectic and vows never again to pre order from EA... again. :D

I'm certainly looking forward to the game, though not enough to throw money at EA unnecessarily.
There's no real reason to wait for reviews. All anybody has to do is just watch this thread on release day and see if the preorder brigade go apoplectic and vows never again to pre order from EA... again. :D


My prediction of us on release day:o


The Keep!!!:cool:

Seems to be able to pull data from our DA:O AND DA:2 records so should make the experience even more personal and perhaps the next best thing to a save import:cool::)
Looking forward to the multiplayer. I love the answer to "what happens if players pick te same character?" Was "comedy".

Really wish somewhere was doing a good deal on the special edition. Just can't justify £60 really.
Looking forward to the multiplayer. I love the answer to "what happens if players pick te same character?" Was "comedy".

Really wish somewhere was doing a good deal on the special edition. Just can't justify £60 really.

I keep wondering what characters will say when they fall or are revived.

In ME3:
Asari (Liara's voice) "uuuuuh it got me" (always made me chuckle:o:D)

I know what you mean about the pre-order ace. I guess as any one can tell this is my most anticipated game in 2014:D so I'm going to justify it that way:)

More about Crafting in MP, sounds more awesome the more I hear:cool:

The recycling of unwanted weapons sounds great:)

More character cards revealed:cool:

Skyhold detailed:cool:

Lots of info but I think we're approaching the point of too much info perhaps spoiling things so be warned before checking out the article:)

I know I'm going to have to start resisting soon:eek: I'm now at the stage of speed reading rather than analysing... but apparently lots more info still to come:cool:

Apparently a full completionist's run could take between 180 to 200 Hrs:eek: add on multiplayer and this could take over our gaming lives guys:eek::D

My issue is that all this information is coming now and still aaaaaaaaaaaages till it gets released.

I feel your pain ace:(

I've started reading some of the novels... If you haven't read any 'Asunder' is epic:eek: and very relevant to DA:I;)

It's nice to find out what happened to Wynne and Shale after Origins and we meet some new characters that we shall soon meet again in DA:I;)
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