Dream Theater fans - Early Systematic Chaos Review!!

Just got back from seeing DT at Newcastle City Hall.

My word what a show!


Overture 1928
Strange Deja Vu
Panic Attack
Constant Motion

ALL of Images and Words, from start to finish! (they've only been doing this on select nights apparently).


It was fantastic and really special to hear Images all of the way through, I'm glad they only played two from the new album, this setlist was a great representation of the band in my opinion. LaBrie's voice was consistently great in my opinion, I really think he's coming into his own this past couple of years (he nailed the F# at the end of Learning to Live).

The mix was crappy, and it was hard to hear Rudess, which sucks as I could watch him for the whole gig, he's an incredible musician and is always contributing something interesting to the arrangement.

The audience were really into it, I'll tell you now my throat is killing at the moment from joining in with the singing :D The audience joined in with virtually all of Pull me Under and especially Home for the encore (I was giving it my all or sure) :D

They're apparently (according to LaBrie) coming round for 6 more UK dates in the fall - Hopefully they'll play Manchester, I'm definately going to try and see them again if possible.

One thing which was a shame was that I was sure they were going to play Octavarium, as Rudess had his modular synth and lapsteel setup, or at least on stage, i'll have to see if some nights they are playing this.

Oh and To-Mera the support act were a little dissapointing in my opinion, mostly because of their singer :( I'm quite a fan of a few female vocalists, but their singer really didn't have any range or power in my opinion, I personally wasn't fond of her tone too, it's a shame because the band themselves seemed pretty tight, and there were some really interesting sections which I'd like to hear again only with a better mix (it was particularly bad for the support), another criticism was that the keyboardist seemed rather bored, and just stood there during parts where he didn't have to play, from what I heard through his actual musical performance was spot on.
Best gig ever! :D I don't think anyone expected them to open with Scenes and play all of Images & Words. LaBrie shocked me - he was firing on all levels and as you mentioned, he totally nailed Another Day, Learning To Live etc. I was slightly disappointed not to hear The Dark Eternal Night or Octavarium but I was more than happy with the set list.

My only grumble for the evening was our seats, from where we were there was limited vision meaning I couldn't see Petrucci's end of the stage. We had a perfect view of Portnoy, Rudess and Myung though! LOL @ the size of Portnoy's kit compared to the To-Mera drummers :p


To-Mera were terrible imo - the vocals didn't suit the genre of music at all. At least she was nice to look at! :D I'm pretty sure they had another song left to play as the guitarist swapped his guitars and was fired up ready to go. When she told the crowd it was the last one everyone groaned and they left the stage :eek:

Great night though, I'm determined to get better seats if they come back. Andelusion: where were you sitting? I looked out for you but didn't see you lol.
Hey Leeum! :D

Yeah the singer really let the support down, damn right though she was a hottie :o

We were in the stalls, row O, about 7 seats in from the left, so a bit to the left on your photo.

The size of to-mera's kit was funny indeed lol And the To-Mera kit wasn't even small! It looked hilarious with Portnoy's kit sat behind it though. I'd forgotten about Another Day, that was a really special one too, I definately think my favourites were Take the Time and Surrounded.

Do you think you'll be going to any of the other dates in the 'Fall'?
Damn right. Wait For Sleep was great aswell - Rudess kept it tight :cool: Portnoy's transparent kit did look awesome though, I wasn't sure why they kept it all covered up at first lol.

Andelusion said:
Do you think you'll be going to any of the other dates in the 'Fall'?

Definitely mate, wouldn't miss it for anything. :) They must have made heap loads on merchanidse though, £22 for a T-Shirt! That's nearly what I paid for a ticket :eek:

As for discussion on the new album; I'm slightly disappointed - It's good, but not as good as I thought it was going to be. The sound is very mainstream which may or may not have something to do with the new label. In Presence of Enemies (1&2), Forsaken and The Dark Eternal Night are great to listen to but for me; The Ministry of Lost Souls is easily the best song on there :)
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Andelusion said:
They're apparently (according to LaBrie) coming round for 6 more UK dates in the fall - Hopefully they'll play Manchester, I'm definately going to try and see them again if possible.

I've been checking their website every other week in case they've annouced any for a month or two now. If they come to Glasgow (or even better, Edinburgh) then I'm there. :p
Went to the gig with Andelusion and pretty much have to echo his sentiments - the gig was great, and it was really enjoyable! Shame that the sound was poor.

All the band looked to be on top form, and major lol at the size of Portnoy's kit. Also quite surprised at how well La Brie kept it together, although for the encore he wavered a little.

Would be quite happy to see them again in the 'fall' - so long as it's in Manchester/Sheffield as the 2 hour journey and 3 hour journey back (longer due to a midnight coffee at a service station) which clocks in at 5 hours travel really does dwarf the 2 hour DT set.
Shame I missed the gig and I would absolutely adore to see all of Images & words live - a fantastic opportunity and those who saw it are very lucky!

As for the comments on To-Mera, I do think they need to improve their live game a little. Julie is getting singing lessons [as most singers need to, you never stop learning] and needs to be able to interact more with the crowd and project her voice further. To be honest, supporting a juggernaut like Drean Theater is possibly a little daunting but well done for them since they only have one album out which is definitely worth getting. Their live show will improve with time.
Just got back from Download. Dream Theater were THE band of the festival. They were soooo awesome.

They were all on fire. I don't think I've ever seen such a tight band!


As I Am
Panic Attack
Constant Motion
The Dark Eternal Night
Endless Sacrifice
Pull Me Under
Glad you enjoyed them :D Looked like an appropriate setlist for Download, hopefully loads of little moshers will be buying the albums now! (preferably earlier ones hehe)
I just listened to the whole album and felt ever so slightly wanting more. A couple of good tracks in there but generaly mediocre stuff. I probably only form this opinion because I know what DT are capable of, and feel that they have understepped the mark n this occasion. I won't be un-ticking it for random playlisting though. :)
Leeum said:
You guys got your wish - they're playing Manchester, Glasgow and more venues in the fall :D

Dates here.

With Symphony X no less. Where's the love for them on this board?! :p I'll probably be at the Wolverhampton date, so hopefully I'll see some of you people there.
I saw DT at Download and they were amazing! Not as good as when I saw them in 2005 - the London show where they covered Dark Side of the Moon was the best gig I've ever been too. They were superb though playing a suitably heavy set considering they were at Download. I've only just bought the new album and personally I think it's great, nothing will ever beet awake/sfam for me but I'm liking some of these new heavy riff's. Can't wait to see them in wolverhampton now...!
I'm definetly going to get me some tickets for Manchester Apollo. Maybe we can arrange a little meet if anybody else is going? I've only recently heard of Symphony X and quite like them. Will buy some of their albums shortly, any recommendations?
Arsey said:
I'm definetly going to get me some tickets for Manchester Apollo. Maybe we can arrange a little meet if anybody else is going? I've only recently heard of Symphony X and quite like them. Will buy some of their albums shortly, any recommendations?

Hmm depends. I would start with V - The New Mythology Suite. It really is outstanding. It basically fuses power metal with progressive metal. I'm not a fan of power metal but I love that album. Failing that you could try The Odyssey, which is slightly heavier.
Arsey said:
I'm definetly going to get me some tickets for Manchester Apollo. Maybe we can arrange a little meet if anybody else is going? I've only recently heard of Symphony X and quite like them. Will buy some of their albums shortly, any recommendations?

I'll hopefully be going to Manc :)
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