Given your location, you're going with..... an Italian flag colour-scheme?
Silly question for you: I'm looking at an Enthoo Evolv ATX....but I want to stick a honking great rad on the off-side panel. I'm thinking a Mo-Ra 420 with 4x320mm fans...cos the only thing that beats overkill is absurd overkill
The thing that worries me is that the side panel (the cable-spaghetti side, not the window side) seems to be held on with only a couple of pins at the back and some friction clips to hold it closed. Is it stronger than it looks in the pics or if I hang about 8Kg of rad on it is it just going to fall off?
Yep, going for a pasta & meatballs based paint job, with a few slices of pizza thrown in
Well there's overkill, and then there's... Erm... Yes absurd overkill!
The side is a lot stronger than it looks, but the only thing that would worry me is whether the weight of the rad would be enough to keep un-clipping the top pins and pinging the door open. I just tried opening the door and putting a bit of downward pressure & twisting it and it's definitely sturdier than it looks so I personally reckon it could take the weight, just as long as it doesn't keep opening the door... You could easily add a tiny screw to the top and bottom of the panel at the front edge though to solve that, and also add a bit more strength to it.
The pins holding the door closed, a lot stronger than they look
These feel a bit 'loose' as you hang the door, but seem to be able to take a fair amount of force without any give
Door also sits on a fairly long ledge on the feet, which should help take the radiator weight
Could also add a screw into this panel to keep it closed
Hope that was of some help, now I really want to see if it works!!