Dripping with style or floody disaster?

Cheers Snookums :) From what I remember it wasn't too bad, although the inside of the case was far from flat which made it a bit more of a PITA than it needed to be! I also didn't need an optical drive so that left enough space to mount the SSD, freeing up the clip on cage for some proper storage.
I don't suppose you would be interested in doing a little type up of how you managed to fit a PC inside the Xbox 360 case and wire it up as it sounds like a nice little project. :)
Pico PSU used I assume?

It was indeed, I hate power blocks though so had to stick it to the wall behind the TV to keep all the cabling nice and hidden :)



I don't suppose you would be interested in doing a little type up of how you managed to fit a PC inside the Xbox 360 case and wire it up as it sounds like a nice little project. :)

That's something I'd definitely be tempted to do after the current build is finished if there's interest. Will pull it apart when I get time and post pics of the insides :)

I know in this case you can hide the SSD's around the back out of sight, but I reckon with black braided cables that will look pretty tidy sat there. Certainly goes with the theme so we'll see, and looks even better with the side panel on as the bottom third is hidden. Need to sort the metal clip on the cable though... *gets black paint* :)

I like that... I really need some braided cables as I would like to do this on my pro m. I know it wont be seen when the sides on but will look good when the sides off :)
I like that... I really need some braided cables as I would like to do this on my pro m. I know it wont be seen when the sides on but will look good when the sides off :)

Just don't make the same mistake I did and order a BitFenix Alchemy SATA cable, it's a couple of cm too short! Going to have to switch it for a longer Silverstone one when the MoBo arrives :)

That's class mate! Best thing for a 360 is to convert to a PC ;)

Cheers Luggs, its certainly been more reliable! :)
Just wondering, what's the consensus on the Aqua Computer Farbwerk for lighting? Looking at using a couple of their 25cm strips to get a dim glow in the case, and then 2 separate RGB LED's for some temperature monitoring of CPU & GPU. Does the aquaero work with the CPU & GPU temps provided by the MoBo, or would I have to use separate temperature sensors? Cheers guys :)
Just an extremely small update: I have more shiny things! But in sadder news, they're currently in the possession of the girlfriend, and she won't bring them near my house until Christmas... :(

Package contains:

1 x Aquaero 5 LT USB Fan-Controller
1 x Colour Work USB
2 x RGB LED strips, 25cm
2 x Connectors for RGB LED strips

I'll also be adding 2 RGB illumination module's, which will be used to display rough temperatures of CPU & GPU, and an inline temperature sensor to monitor water temps :)


And in even better news, it looks like I should be getting the pump / res combo, one of the rads and some more fans in the post tomorrow :) Unfortunately had to get the PWM version though and not the Vario I wanted, not that it really matters.
I take it that they are part of your christmas pressent and your girlfriend is not evil? :D
You can't tease us with these fancy photos of fabulous hardware only to unveil it fitted at christmas ;). Still though I look forward to seeing it fitted at any time of the year as you have some nice bits of kit for your build. Also is there any significant difference in the vario/PWM versions as surely the PWM versions are better as they can be controlled through the Aquero/Motherboard fan headers? :)
I take it that they are part of your christmas pressent and your girlfriend is not evil? :D
You can't tease us with these fancy photos of fabulous hardware only to unveil it fitted at christmas ;). Still though I look forward to seeing it fitted at any time of the year as you have some nice bits of kit for your build. Also is there any significant difference in the vario/PWM versions as surely the PWM versions are better as they can be controlled through the Aquero/Motherboard fan headers? :)

Can I go with 'both' for the first answer? I'm not religious so should be allowed them now :D
Hoping to have everything apart from the lighting done before Christmas, just waiting for the Mobo / CPU combo to come back into stock and I'll be putting the order in, along with the PSU (which I've now decided won't but a Be Quiet!, but will be EVGA instead) :)
From what I've learned in my very short time on here, the PWM is more of a PITA when it comes to getting air out of the system and once it's set up you're better off leaving it at one speed anyway, so no real benefit in it from what I can see. Never mind, doesn't look like there's any real downside either so I'm happy to go with it :D
Sooooooo, bit of an update at last: Santa came! He even brought gifts, and most of them were still in one piece :)

This was his first delivery...

...Which as you can see he had a few problems with. Looks like he used the CPU as a wedge to stop his sleigh rolling away :mad:

Luckily the MoBo was in better condition, and must say first impressions are very good. If she runs as good as she looks she'll be a beast :)

Looking good again EVGA...

...Now can't wait to power it up.

She's in! That has now doubled the 'installed component' count :cool:

The powerful beating heart is finally living where it belongs, not under the arse end of a sleigh :D

Block on and ready for some water, and yes, I know it's upside down, it's supposed to be :)

Don't have any spare plugs, so thought this would be the next best thing for keeping dust out.

Not looking too bad so far...


Yep, this is definitely going to need to be covered, looks hideous! :eek:

Happy to say the black RAM looks like it could be all right, and I'm going to whisper this bit, but maybe even better than the red I wanted...

And then, right as I was ready to call it a night...

...Santa did another lap and stopped in with another gift, an XSPC 360 X-Flow :)


Just time to quickly lob some fans on it...

...Check it all fits :eek: :cool:

Take a few seconds to admire the as yet un-ballsed-up beast :D

Then slot this massive chunk of awesomeness into his new home and get back to my proper job, hoping the other rad, res / pump combo and other fans come tomorrow :)

So, finally things have started to happen! Hopefully another small update tomorrow if the other parts do finally arrive :)
Looking very, very nice indeed. I must say the RAM does look better in black as red may have been a bit to garish for the colour scheme. With the motherboard, SSD and fans I think there is the right amount of red in the system as too much draws attention away from the components. :)

Excellent work so far :D
Cheers mate, think you might be right about being too much red and was actually thinking about swapping the rear fan out for a Phanteks black & white one, but going to see what it's like when the water tubing is in first. Still not decided on a colour for the tubing though, was almost tempted by black but now everything is starting to go in I'm swaying towards white again... All I've learned so far is I'd have been crap on 60 minute makeover :D
God dammit... Was looking at getting the Gigabyte G7 + 6700k combo, 5820k and the Gigabyte board or the Hero one (guessing you got the Hero + 6700k combo off OCUK?)
But good lord that board looks sick!
Thinking of either watercooling or getting a new gpu (currently have a 290) or scrapping both and getting games lol.
Build looks awesome though so far!!!
Looking very nice! Can't wait to see how this comes out.

Please tell me you tested all the hardware before you put the blocks on etc? :p

Cheers Sam, trying to keep it as neat as possible but will see what happens when the other rad & reservoir go in :p

Tested it? Nah, not got an air cooler for the CPU so just crossing my fingers, but will add a tap to the loop so it can be drained easily just in case :D

God dammit... Was looking at getting the Gigabyte G7 + 6700k combo, 5820k and the Gigabyte board or the Hero one (guessing you got the Hero + 6700k combo off OCUK?)
But good lord that board looks sick!
Thinking of either watercooling or getting a new gpu (currently have a 290) or scrapping both and getting games lol.
Build looks awesome though so far!!!

Cheers mate, am well happy with how it's turning out so far :)
Yep, got the combo off here. To be honest I pretty much always stick with ASUS boards when building high end PC's, so I'm probably extremely biased... But really do like the look of this board :) Just hope she performs well now :D
Cheers Sam, trying to keep it as neat as possible but will see what happens when the other rad & reservoir go in :p

Tested it? Nah, not got an air cooler for the CPU so just crossing my fingers, but will add a tap to the loop so it can be drained easily just in case :D

Cheers mate, am well happy with how it's turning out so far :)
Yep, got the combo off here. To be honest I pretty much always stick with ASUS boards when building high end PC's, so I'm probably extremely biased... But really do like the look of this board :) Just hope she performs well now :D

Well my dad came in and said he got me the 5820k and the Gigabyte board, still, nothing to cry over hehe :p
I am sure she will, kinda glad i got the extra cores, but still 50/50 haha!
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