Drive configuration advice

20 Mar 2006
Ok...getting some new stuff today, at some point in the next month I want to upgrade the hard drives. My old ones will just go into my media server.

I'm a fan of having a seperate drive for windows, and a bigger one for everything this a good idea, or should games and apps be on the same physical drive as windows?

Basically, for £100 or less, what would be a good option for new drives? I only need about 200GB
If you only need 200Mb then I'd be tempted to go with a single physical disk and partition it, maybe 50Gb for windows, games, apps etc and the rest for data. Doing that will allow you to reinstall without affecting your data if needed. Sure you may lose out a bit on speed by not having the ability to physically separate the swap file from everything else but it's only a small gain in reality.
get a cheap 40gb SATA one for windows (about £30) and one of the Seagate 10 series for your stuff (should take you upto £100).

Other option is to get a cheaper raptor 37gb for your OS (very fast) and then a cheaper 160gb, which may be a struggle to fit in your budget, but iv not checked the prices for a long time.
Thanks, I think I'll get a 250gb Seagate .10 (since £5 extra for 50gb), then in a few months when I can afford it I'll get a small WDR (or whatever is really fast by that time). At the moment I have windows on an 80gb maxtor sata much difference will there be between having that drive as my system drive as opposed to everything on the Seagate .10?
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