Drive health reporting T.E.C date within 3 days!! :(

20 Oct 2002
According to drive health, my main windows / games / programs disk is going to die in 3 days. It's actually the newest of my 4 hard disks (a samsung 250gb). Is there anything i can do? I'm going to order one of those seagate 320gb ones and start backing up tomorrow for sure (i was going to order one any way really).

Is the drive definitely going to die? Can i repair it somehow? Any advice appreciated.Thanks!
so there's no way to fix it then...or it's not a mistake - the drive IS going to die on me?

At the very least i need to format? Bah, guess i'll have to reinstall windows on my new seagate 320gig.

How exactly do i go about doing a low level format or filling with zeros?
thanks for the advice guys....all of a sudden i'm getting another possible TEC date on one of my IDE drives!! 12/6/06....

surely i can't have two drives dying in the space of 3 days!! The temps are about 40c with an out-take fan does that sound?
hehe, i'm starting to wonder how reliable drive health is.

For a start, my IDE drive is no longer showing a TEC date...all appears fine. Also, my Samsung TEC date has gone from 9th of june to 10th of june!
now i have my 2 sata drives showing as TEC that's 3 out of my 4 drives which have shown up as about to die today...hmmmn...i think i'm going to back up my crucial stuff any way, and just carry on as normal and hope for the best.
basmic - i'm using 'Drive Health'.

Update on the rather odd situation. 3 of my disks are now showing as fine, and one of them is showing as having a tec date of 29/06...i'm actually starting to feel a bit less concerned. I think it might be a heat issue to be honest.
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