Drive home from work - Field Crop

Gungnir said:
Wheat isn't corn :) Trust me, I've been working with the stuff long enough as, I suspect, has Felix.

Quote fm:The Concise Oxford Dictionary (Ninth Edition) (The foremost authority on current English (their blurb, not mine)......

Corn. Any cereal before or after harvesting. esp. the chief crop of a region e.g. wheat, oats, etc.. Un Quote.

Perhaps they amended it in the tenth addition.............

Maybe we should start a new thread :)
Well obviously you know better :) ;)

In the real world where pedants are treated with contempt Corn is Maize, not Wheat, Barley, Oats, Rye etc.

Why use a non-specific term when there is a specific name for the species? To then argue that the non-specific term is more accurate thatn the specific is daft :D
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