Double that figure, but that's irrelevant anyway
Morale of the story: break something, offer to fix it as a gesture of goodwill then move on.
POA is as follows:
1) Accept quote
2) Pay for work to be performed
3) Try and pin 100% blame on council and get them to cough up the cost, hopefully this ~£100 will bankrupt them so they cannot provide essential services to the deserving.*
4) Offer client a generous discount on their next invoice and give her a nice bouquet of flowers as a further apology.
5) Carry on and make more money
6) Buy GT3
7) Buy House
I'm sorry but signs being ALL along the road, surely she must have seen what they said?
In my opinion, she's at fault, cough up to clean your clients drive and call the council to arrive the tarmac to be fixed. Prepare for a fine.
The signs were put out later if you actually read the post.