Driving RWD for the first time

i love how this forum has struck fear of rwd cars into the hearts of children everywhere lol
Matt82 said:
why would a rwd car be any more inherently dangerous than any other modern car on the road?

they have a horrible habit of spontaiously combusting.....

well that or understeer + nateral reaction to lift off = alright
oversteer + lift off = spin (more often that not

(ignoring traction control, cause thats for girls ;) and not hair dressers apparently, well apart from the very rich ones who want newer cars)
Siliconslave said:
they have a horrible habit of spontaiously combusting.....

well that or understeer + nateral reaction to lift off = alright
oversteer + lift off = spin (more often that not

(ignoring traction control, cause thats for girls ;) and not hair dressers apparently, well apart from the very rich ones who want newer cars)

Yes, traction control is for girls. It also stops you from spinning off the road.
rofl, tbh you wont even notice it unless your doing something silly, which tbh, i cant imagine you will.
Morba said:
rofl, tbh you wont even notice it unless your doing something silly, which tbh, i cant imagine you will.
Yes you will notice it, because rather than understeering into a kerb, you'll oversteer into it. Don't stamp on the loud pedal and I'm sure you'll be fine. Just take time to get used to the car and how it reacts to your inputs and you should be ok.
burns said:
Yes you will notice it, because rather than understeering into a kerb, you'll oversteer into it. Don't stamp on the loud pedal and I'm sure you'll be fine. Just take time to get used to the car and how it reacts to your inputs and you should be ok.

you will notice it if your not driving like an idiot? i doubt it. unless its a very poor car.
unless you have an interest in cars and have some idea how they work, then being fwd / rwd or awd wont make a difference, unless your tear assing it around the place.
Clarkey said:
only if you are pushing the car beyond your level of driving skill tbh.


Traction control is a useful aid to have but it won't stop you from spinning off sideways. For this, you need stability control. Stabilty control such as ESP/DSC are exceptionally good safety aids in any car be it FWD or RWD - particularly if you are not an experience driver.

However what many people fail to realise is that ESP/DSC will often be able to help out even the most experienced drivers when they get in a spot of bother.

Stability control is an important part of any modern car.
when I was younger (and was on my mates farm) we wondered if driving a FWD in reverse was a good enough simulation of RWD.

burns said:
Yes you will notice it, because rather than understeering into a kerb, you'll oversteer into it. Don't stamp on the loud pedal and I'm sure you'll be fine. Just take time to get used to the car and how it reacts to your inputs and you should be ok.

No you won't oversteer on a Jag S-type unless you're doing something stupid.
As said don't floor it in the wet or mid corner, keep a balanced throttle worst thing you can do is lift off mid corner.

I'm used to driving a 1.2 clio so the past 5 days in a light rwd 1.8 have been interesting, i've had the backend out twice and had no problem bringing it back in line.

Take it easy learn the ropes and you shouldn't have any problems.
I remember when I was nuthin but a whippersnapper, me old man's XJS had none of these fancy driver aids. Just 200 and something horsepower and overhangs that went on for miles for maximum pendulum effect :D .
Firestar_3x said:
As said don't floor it in the wet or mid corner, keep a balanced throttle worst thing you can do is lift off mid corner.

I'm used to driving a 1.2 clio so the past 5 days in a light rwd 1.8 have been interesting, i've had the backend out twice and had no problem bringing it back in line.

Take it easy learn the ropes and you shouldn't have any problems.

Ahh having fun in it then! ;)

I have to wonder if me and RWD will go together, but only one way to find out.
MonkeyMan said:
Ahh having fun in it then! ;)

Totally love it, i get loads of people right up my bum egging me on thinking "Its only a hairdressers car" so when the 30 goes into a 60 i floor it in second and more oftern than not they proceed to go backwards, its surprisingly quick.

Will post a thread with pics and review soon, done one or two bits to it already :)
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