Driving sims with blue light runs?

1 Apr 2014
Are there any driving sims where you can do blue light runs? With virtualised real roads and simulated traffic It seems to me that this might be a different sort of fun for the solo player (me) than racing tracks where you endlessly try to shave off nanoseconds. Not only ambulances, fire engines, and police cars but pretty much any car - who wouldn't want to try a simulated Veyron doing an organ transplant run?
Are there any driving sims where you can do blue light runs? With virtualised real roads and simulated traffic It seems to me that this might be a different sort of fun for the solo player (me) than racing tracks where you endlessly try to shave off nanoseconds. Not only ambulances, fire engines, and police cars but pretty much any car - who wouldn't want to try a simulated Veyron doing an organ transplant run?

Beam NG might fulfil that? It's a sandbox and although there are scenarios, it's more a game to mess around in imo, but it is quite a fun game.

Plus if you have the automation game, I believe you can create your vehicles in Automation and import them/use them in Bean NG

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Forsake horizon is probably the closest, but not really a sim. Have to say that I’d really like a driving sim with real world driving roads and distances, kind of like FS2020, but on 4 wheels
Have a look at the Need for Speed series, there's a few that might fit the bill. NFS Rivals has you playing as Police at times.
NFS The Run is literally a game where you have to go on a "Run" coast to coast across America.

The GTA series might have what you are looking for, you can get in Ambulances, Taxis, Police Cars, Fire Engines etc and start missions where you have to transport people around, kill criminals etc against a timer. Vice City I think has most of these.

Might fall down a bit on your 'virtualised real roads' criteria but the GTA games are loosely based around real cities.
Few games combine the traffic density, traffic AI and vehicle physics/handling to really make for a good simulation of a blue light run.
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