Driving to work, traffic or long route?

18 Oct 2002
I can take 2 routes to work, 1 is about 3 miles along the main road and takes about 15mins all stop start traffic.

Or i can take dual charageway and country lane to get here which is about 12miles but at constant 60mph ish

I assume route 1 will use less petrol but route 2 is better for the car?
I take a slightly longer route to work which means I sit in less traffic but am actually driving for a little bit longer (6 miles compared to 4 miles).

Sitting in traffic just annoys the hell out of me, and taking the alternative route gets me to work in a more cheerful mood.

Do it I say, especially as it probably takes you as long to get to work sitting in traffic, as it would taking the longer route.
I'd go for the 3 miles along the main road on a mountain bike personally but the choice is up to you. I know I HATE sitting in stop/start traffic in the car and would drive a longer way round to avoid it ;)

I would normally take a longer route but I wouldn't go 4 times the distance to avoid traffic!

My commute is a tasty 1.5 miles now :D Leave at 8:55 and still be on time :cool:
I have a choice of two offices to work from, one is 9miles door to door, the other 32miles door to door. Due to traffic, I can get to the 32miles office about 5-10mins quicker than I can get to the 9miles office. I choose the 32miles office over the 9miles.
to be honest there not good conntry roads, and theres always police cars hiding somewhere. But i think agw is right sitting in traffic really is a pain and its more enjoyable.

The only downside is if i get congestion on the long way i could be late, as its pretty much the same on the other road.

The only bad thing is to go home i have to hit traffic as the access road off the country lane is 1 way :(
When I travelled to Stourbridge to get to college, I chose the longer but more scenic route, a lot nicer and I actually enjoyed the drive to college, now I have to travel to Dudley to get to college, not scenic with traffic along the way, and I hate the journey!

So if I had the choice I would definately go for the second route:)
If i start at 9 there is traffic, so i could be sitting in it for about 10 mins. Or I can just take the long route which means getting to work at the same time and taking a longer route but i am not sitting in traffic (which i hate).

So take the long route ;)

I could do 3.5miles in start/stop traffic but I normally go the long way which is mainly A roads and about twice as far yet it takes the same time. :)
I personally go for the longer route

I have two routes to get to work - one's about 17 miles, the other's about 25 miles each way

If I take the first route I sit in traffic through Canterbury city centre (takes about half an hour to move a mile or so) then drag the whole way to work along a small, packed A-road - total time is a good 50-60 minutes

If I take the second route then I miss the Canterbury city centre traffic (go the other way), sit on a slow road for a few miles but then it's dual carriageway the rest of the way - takes about 30-35 minutes!
I'd walk or ride the 3 miles, and buy a stupidly uneconomical car for the weekends. It will get you fit and you wont be paying to get to work. You will also have the benefit of a fast car to use when you want.
The long route every time! You might use a bit more petrol, but you are putting less stress on the clutch/gearbox and you aren't sitting idle wasting fuel in traffic.
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