Driving to work, traffic or long route?

Jez said:
I'd walk or ride the 3 miles, and buy a stupidly uneconomical car for the weekends.
And turn up soaking wet and/or covered in mud a couple of times a week. Sounds like a plan to me.
Mickey said:
And turn up soaking wet and/or covered in mud a couple of times a week. Sounds like a plan to me.

Take the car if its raining, and do the short route. 3 miles even stop start wont use any fuel.
Jez said:
Take the car if its raining, and do the short route. 3 miles even stop start wont use any fuel.
What about if it's dry walking there but raining when it's time to go home?
Mickey said:
What about if it's dry walking there but raining when it's time to go home?

Walking 3 miles is hardly a bother is it? Take an umbrella and it will be fine. I walk twice that quite often to the local shop. I find walking very relaxing and thought provoking, 3 miles will take approx 45mins, which will be a nice little bit of excersise and quiet time to think.
Jez said:
Walking 3 miles is hardly a bother is it? Take an umbrella and it will be fine. I walk twice that quite often to the local shop. I find walking very relaxing and thought provoking, 3 miles will take approx 45mins, which will be a nice little bit of excersise and quiet time to think.
Walking in the sun is nice, I can think of anything worse than walking in the pouring rain after a long day at work.
Mickey said:
Walking in the sun is nice, I can think of anything worse than walking in the pouring rain after a long day at work.

I would rather walk 45min in the rain, than do some of the stupid journeys to work I have seen people doing in London, and have experienced myself.
Mickey said:
after a long day at work.

Guess ive never been in that situation. :p

Regardless, i would be overjoyed if my trip to work was a nice 45min strole in the rain with an umbrella and a big coat.
for 3 miles id get a pedal bike myself and get shot of the car for something nicer as jez says
If you're driving 3 miles to work, you deserve to be sat in a traffic jam.
As already suggested, get a bike and get in some exercise.
As for getting wet occasionally, do you leak? Take some appropriate lightweight rain gear and you'll be fine.

As per the TV program last night looking at traffic, the cause of our problem is NOT the government, car manufacturers, road repairs, speed cameras or the other host of things that we like to blame it on. It's purely down to the fact that most of us are too lazy to use our legs occasionally, particularly for short trips. We should be encouraging people to walk, use bikes or public transport.
The only alternative so far provided is the governments idea of "road pricing". If however we didn't have such traffic issues, probably wouldn't be suggested.
when I ride to work (not in the depths of winter) I throw my work clothes in a backpack and use scruffs to ride in. Quick change and I'm ready for work, doesn't matter if you get wet that way.

I have the luxury of a shower to use at work as well but it's broken most of the time.
I'm so glad about my summer placement I just got - a lovely 0.6 miles from my house. A pleasant 7 minute walk at average speed. :D

I'd happily sacrifice higher pay for ease of commute. Doesn't cost me a thing or use up any time. Bet when I get a proper job, i'll be commuting though :(

To the OP: Completely up to you which you value most, your petrol or your sanity/potential stress etc..
My drive to work is around 6 miles each way, and Leicester is relatively flat. So come summer I'll definitely cycle to work, my only concern is being sweaty when I get there as we don't have shower/changing facilities really.
I went on a 2/3 mile diversion to work this morning because one of my favourite tracks was up next on the stereo, luckilly i'm on flexi-time:p

I'd hate to add up all the unneccessary miles i've done through choosing the fun way to the quick way:o I ALWAYS choose the scenic routes.
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