This looks like a stunning project (and budget!). Really great to see. I'm renovating a property at the moment. After it was gutted you really notice how much of an improvement every little thing you do is.
I went to see a supplier about that TV late last year, it is breathtaking. You will really really enjoy it. I am very jealous.
The property prices in Dubai right now are frankly ridiculous at the moment and are rising at an alarming clip and with the recent award of expo 2020 it has gotten even more crazy and some of my friends are facing 10-35% increases in their rent
The situation with labourers in the country has improved (not much and it still border line slavery) and honestly anyone working inside a super hot construction site during the peak of the Dubai summer is beyond me. Sadly, these issues extend far beyond Dubai and are prevalent in the other GCC states as well.
Living in England it seems strange to see a project like this not having underfloor heating, the joys of the desert. Those tiles must be a dream and a nightmare to work with as well. Get the floor covered in no time but hefting them about, cutting them and just generally trying to avoid chipping them must cause paranoia. Certainly would have done in me when I fitted bathrooms.
then I remembered that it is the middle of winter here and 20c at night...
Bet you can't wait to get them all cleaned up to see what they look like. i'd be worried about them getting scratched with all the dust and debris getting trampled about, but i'd imagine they can be polished up if that was the case.
That's a lot of APs but you've sort of done a site survey so you're probably in the best place to made a decision. I'd be surprised if you can't put the APs upstairs only and provide a decent signal to the lower floor that way, but if your floors are concrete slab then yeah give up on that idea and put a bunch in.
Are you running the controller locally or up on Azure?