Duke Nukem Forever by Dec 31st 2006?

peterattheboro said:
The graphics are gonna be awful compared to today's standards... How many generations have they missed!

Theyre on yet another engine and they claim that the graphics are now state of the art.
Smitho3 said:
on the unreal 2 engine? my arse :(
Even if they started with UE2 as a base, they have heavily modified it. Now it could be on the same level as source or UE3 even though it started off life as UE2.
geeza said:
the day DNF is released is the day i will taser my own beanbag!

Now I'm really looking forward to DNF :D

In all honesty I'd given up caring, if it ever comes out it'll be typically entertaining but nothing amazing, just like the others, great games but not exactly bringing much to the FPS genre (aside from the hooker jokes and corny one liners) :)

Its one of those games now that I occasionally think oh yeah thats still not out, Stalker has been added to the same list sadly, I've had that Preordered for over two years now!
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It’s the unreal tournament engine (97), although it’s heavily, heavily modified. They do occasionally throw us scrap of information on the 3d realms board.

Graphics mean nothing to me within reason. Looking at that 2001 trailer I would be just as happy playing that today. Length over graphics anyday!
To be fair, are people actually expecting to see this game? TBH I'm not..

It's been delayed by so much that hardware/game engines and computers have changed so much that they probably have to completely start again every 2-3 years with it. They have absolutely blown it.

I also guarantee that if it ever was released it would be an outrageous disappointment to the Duke Nukem series and flop worse than DaiKatana....
My prediction is a good to average game.

They have truly wasted 3 years so we can take that off the development time. No one can deny Duke Forever has been a complete farce, the only re-deeming factor is that 3d realms are funding the project entirely themselves.
GeorgeB himself stated that they would start the hype again 3 months prior to release. So you will know if its out this year by the end of September. :)
The E3 1998 trailer is the best game trailer I've ever seen, I mean even 5 years later we still hadn't had anything significantly better than that. I love it so much, I even think it's better than the 2001 one!

If 3DR could have churned out the game within couple of years of that (say before the Q3 engine games came along), I reckon they could have had a massive hit on their hands. The trouble is that in 2004, Far Cry moved the goalposts in terms of what we expect from a FPS engine, and we now have the D3/Source engines as well.
God Dammit!

However, according to Broussard there is no way he is going to rush his teams to finish by Christmas.

He said that his outfit had never wanted a $500,000 bonus nor had asked for it.

Broussard said that he was certainly not motivated by that amount of money, after all this time, and getting the game right is what matters.

"I would never ship a game early, even a couple of months, for 500k," he said.
hell, if I was working on a project (being payed monthly/yearly etc) and I could delay it for YEARS (ie 10 or so) then I may be tempted!

when its done....

when released im pretty sure it will be best game ever

maybe not in graphical terms but after all this time it will of given the game incredible depth
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