Duvet thief

9 Dec 2009
I was just wondering if anyone has reported duvet theft to the authorities and if so, how did you get on?

I'm suffering from duvet theft nearly every night. The perpetrator is very stealthy and doesn't start stealing duvet until I'm asleep.

They wear thick fluffy pyjamas and take a hot water bottle to bed. After 30 mins they are hot, so start pulling the duvet off themselves and sticking arms and legs out from underneath, but during the night they slowly claw back the covers, exposing me to draughts by creating a void and also causing cold bits of duvet to be dragged across me.

I've tried negotiation to experiment with swapping sides of the bed, but they are unwilling to compromise. They have to sleep on the same side because "that's their side" and when confronted with the magnitude of their crime, they say they "only have a little corner of the duvet".

** The following text may cause distress **

This morning I awoke with hardly any duvet at all on me. I got up to go for a wee and discovered over a foot of duvet on their side strewn across the floor.

I'm at my wit's end. I've tried to deal with this amicably but feel that nothing short of legal action will resolve this.

Apologies if I've upset anybody with this harrowing post.
Good luck with the legal action, I can assure you you won't get anywhere with it :D

If you've not got a king size bed, get yourself a king size duvet.
Excellent post!

We usually go to one each for winter too but this year grabbed a 15tog as we needed a new one and that's all there was above what we had. It's super cosy and there's been no thefts either way.
Two solutions:
1. Go one size of duvet up.. we have a superking on a king sized bed.
2. Attached a small strap mid point on your side, attach other end of strap to bed frame.. Use a snap on fastener if you want it quickly removable.

I do not know how the Mrs manages to wrangle the duvet so much, of course it's always my fault, even when the duvet is 2 foot hanging over her side on the floor, it was still my fault somehow..
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We have a heavier duvet on in winter which stops the problem and in summer she can have the duvet so its a win win really.
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