Duvet thief

Contrary to what many a man will tell you, mole grips were in fact not invented for the purpose of gripping things, they were actually invented as a solution to women nicking duvets.

True story.
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We've got an emperor duvet on a king size bed. It still doesn't work. We had seperate duvets for a while, and it was glorious. But she didn't like it so they went. Seperate duvets are the answer though I'm afraid.

I'm very familar with the foot of duvet on the floor problem. Sometimes, it goes so far that she's pulled the bottom end with the buttons on around to her side and that's what she interprets as not having enough duvet.
for winter go up a size on your duvet.
ie double bed get a kingsize duvet , for a kingsize go superking. lots of spare duvet to be had then :)
Thanks for your responses folks. Even though I rarely have the comfort of a duvet, at least I can can take comfort in knowing I'm not alone in this.

We have a normal sized double bed with a king size duvet. As mentioned, the bigger the duvet, the more will end up on the floor.

I think we'll need to go down the single/small double route, it seems to work for those that use it.

Fingers crossed it'll lead to a good night's sleep!!
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