Duvet's 'Trying to be not so lame' Log

I need to hit the mobility work before I increase the weight by much. I felt i held my posture quite well, but i'd be guessing without a video. Core was braced well i think and thoracic posture felt good, but I still felt some pain in my back.
Pain? Where and when?

Vids help no end dude, especially in rehab stuff or if you're worried about how you're moving.

lumbar, centrally. Mild pain. I get lower back ache sporadically thorughout the day.

I have APT so it's possible I'm in too much extension when I lift.
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Won't be able to get to the gym much this week because of family stuff, so skipped shoulders, did legs today, will do chest tomorrow and that will be it. Probably no training next week eihter.

Front squats:
bar x 12 x 2
40kg x 8
50kg x 8
60kg x 6, 6, 6
65kg x 5

40kg x 10
50kg x 10, 10, 10, 10

Hip thrusts:
40kg x 12, 12
50kg x 12
60kg x 12, 12

10kg x 6, 6, 6
(10kg each hand not total)

Leg curls:
42.5kg x 12, 12, 12

Doesnt look much but couldn't walk after. Fairly sure it was the BSS.
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Not a great session today.

bar x 12 x 2
40kg x 6
50kg x 3
60kg x 3
82kg x 4, 3, 3
60kg x 11
Exactly the same as last week but felt much harder. Could have been that i was on a different bench or that I've had less rest between sessions.

DB Bench
32kg x 8, 5, 4

Plate loaded chest press
70kg x 8, 8, 6

BW x 9, 9, 9

55kg x 8, 7, 6
First session back after over a week off. I hate lifting... everything was sooo hard. :mad:

bar x 12 x 2
40kg x 6
50kg x 3
60kg x 3
70kg x 3
85kg x 2, 2, 1
80kg x 3
70kg x 5
60kg x 8
Thought I'd get 3 reps on the first set of 85 but no. Was planning on trying a few weeks of 3 reps, but don't know now.

DB Bench
32kg x 8, 4, 3

Plate loaded chest press
70kg x 8, 7, 6

55kg x 8, 5, 5

BW x 8, 7, 6

followed by some stretches/mobility stuff.
This mornings sesh from memory... will edit tonight if its wrong.

Trapbar deads:
60kg x 8
80kg x 6
100kg x 5
110kg x 5, 5, 5

4, 4, 4, 3
first set pronated grip, rest neutral

1 arm DB row
44kg x 7, 6, 5

plate loaded machine pulldown
40kg x 8
80kg x 8
100kg x 8, 8, 7

plate loaded machine row
50kg x 8
80kg x 8, 8, 8
50kg x 10

BB curl
30kg x 9, 6, 5

everything is so much harder when you do deads and chins first. :(
Yesterdays shoulders:

Db press: 24kg x 8, 7, 5
Lat raises: 10kg x 10, 10, 10
Rear delt flyes: 8kg x 10, 10, 9
Prone Ys: 4kg x 7, 5 (left shoulder seemed tight causing discomfort so couldn't do many reps).
Facepulls: 17.5kg x 12 x 6 sets with different grips
BB press: 30kg x 8, 8, 8 Just did these to see if I could. I couldn't really. Shoulder mobility not good.
Todays Legs:

Front squats:
bar x 12 x 2
40kg x 5
50kg x 5
60kg x 5
65kg x 5
70kg x 5
60kg x 6
Didn't really have a plan with those. Just added weight until it got hard.

40kg x 10, 10
50kg x 10, 10
60kg x 8, 7
All pajused from second set.

Hip thrusts:
40kg x 10, 10, 10
Startied doing these properly on a bench. Was just doing them on floor before.

10kg x 8, 8, 7
(10kg each hand)
These felt much easier this week.

Leg curls:
45kg x 12, 12, 12
I don't think i want to put myself through them just yet. Maybe in a few weeks.

The RDLs felt pretty good and my back is feeling good today, no pain at all. See how I get on with trapbar deads on friday.
No its not too bad actually. It's gentle on my baby soft hands.

Would you consider what I'm doing for legs to be fairly well balanced? I feel like i should be hitting quads with something heavy like leg press given that my FS is pretty light, but I'm trying to put a bit more focus on glutes and hamstrings as I think these are relatively weak.

what in the what now?! :confused:

Thanks for your thoughts. Might try back squat again soon, but I do like the front squat. I do now just need to knuckle down and consistently train legs. Training has been sporadic so far this year due to **** happening and legs seems to be the workout I sacrifice due to me hating it so much!

bar x 12 x 2
40kg x 6
50kg x 3
60kg x 3
70kg x 3
85kg x 3, 2, 2 rep PB
80kg x 3
60kg x 14

DB Bench
32kg x 6, 6, 3

Plate loaded chest press
70kg x 8, 8, 6

BW x 8, 8, 7

55kg x 8, 8, 6

followed by some stretches/mobility stuff
Trapbar deads:
40kg x 5
60kg x 5
80kg x 5
100kg x 5, 5, 5
110kg x 5
115kg x 5, 3

3, 5, 4, 3, 2
first set pronated grip, rest neutral

1 arm DB row
44kg x 6, 6, 6

plate loaded machine pulldown
50kg x 8
100kg x 8, 7, 7

plate loaded machine row
80kg x 8, 8, 8

BB curl
30kg x 8, 8, 4

Pallof press
15kg x 10, 10, 10
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