Dyslexia = middle class word for Stupid?

19 Jul 2006
Wrong side of the tracks
DM said:
Dyslexia is a social fig leaf used by middle-class parents who fear their children will be labelled as low achievers, a professor has claimed.

Julian Elliott, a leading educational psychologist at Durham University, says he has found no evidence to identify dyslexia as a medical condition after more than 30 years of research.

"There is a huge stigma attached to low intelligence," he said.

"After years of working with parents, I have seen how they don't want their child to be considered lazy, thick or stupid.

"If they get called this medically diagnosed term, dyslexic, then it is a signal to all that it's not to do with intelligence."

He added: "There are all sorts of reasons why people don't read well but we can't determine why that is. Dyslexia, as a term, is becoming meaningless."

One in ten people in the UK - including 375,000 schoolchildren - has been diagnosed with dyslexia.

The condition is said to impair short-term memory and the ability to read, write, spell and do maths.

Supporters of the condition argue that dyslexics are intelligent people who have difficulties processing information and need extra help and time than others who are poor readers.

But Professor Elliott has claimed that the symptoms of dyslexia - such as clumsiness and letter reversal - are similar to those seen in those who simply cannot read.

He argues that the condition should be rediagnosed as a reading difficulty.

His comments provoked fury among dyslexia campaigners.

John Rack, head of research and development at the charity Dyslexia Action, denied that the disability was a middle-class phenomenon.

He told The Times: "There is ample evidence that dyslexia exists across the spectrum and the argument that there is no consistent means of identifying it is one cited by people who don't know enough about the subject."

However, other experts have suggested that parents are putting their children forward for reading ability assessments to "get them off the hook".

Dr Michael Rice, a dyslexia and literacy expert at Cambridge University, said: "There is a sense of justification when children are diagnosed.

"It gets them off the hook of great embarrassment and personal inadequacy."

According to Professor Elliott, dyslexic university students are gaining an unfair advantage by getting extra time for their studies and many are getting diagnosed simply to get up to £10,000 worth of equipment including laptops and extra books.

University lecturers have complained about students "milking the system" by pretending they have the condition.

One lecturer who teaches in the South-East said:

"On one degree course I teach, about one quarter of the students get help with their coursework and other assistance because they have this label. You become quite cynical."

The number of students who receive disability allowances at university has risen to a record 35,500 at a cost of £78.4million a year.

Thoughts on this one? True or is it another case of yobbish, mis-behaving youths all seem to have ADD?
13 Oct 2004
South Shields
Dyslexia and ADD are totally different things tho.

But I have found people who are just stupid do use Dyslexia as an excuse.

One girl I used to work when we took the mick out of her spelling came up with

"Its not my fault I can't spell I'm dyslexic"

I can't spell for toffee does that make me dyslexic?

Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
I'm back baby!
I think there's definitely some milking going on. Dyslexia was rare when I was at school, and now a quarter of kids in a single class are sufferers? Don't think so. Even taking into account those who are mis/undiagnosed it wouldn't increase at such a rate over such a small amount of time.

There may be some condition that affects sufferers, I know of a handful of people been diagnosed that have to go to great pains to write comprehensible letters. I also know that 90% of the people on this forum that claim to be dyslexic are nothing but lazy :)
5 Mar 2007
I believe there is some factual basis to the disorder, but also that boundaries have become blurred leading to over-diagnosis and consequently its use as an excuse for underachievers.
10 Nov 2003
Nottingham, UK
I do know some people from school that suffered from dyslexia. They had a lot of trouble reading, writing and doing maths etc.. and needed the extra help. But some of his friends were perfectly fine and claimed to have the same disorder.

It just sounds like most are milking the system and using it as an excuse. I agree with the report. But there are people who truly have the disorder and have great difficulty but the sheer number of people lying and abusing the system makes it sound like a fiction disorder which it isn't in my opinion.

I see the whole thing like what was said in the report for the majority of people, an excuse to prevent people labeling children as stupid or lazy when thats all they are.
18 Oct 2002
My friend suffers from this and she is by far one of the most naturally intelligent people I have ever met. She's on for a first in physics and Manchester Uni this year.
28 Oct 2006
I am 15, I have deslexia. Not badly just a tiny bit, I do quite well at school and aiming for 8-11 C grade GCSES.. I know i will find it harder than most people, Its mostly my spelling that makes it hard for me. Lots off people do use it as an excuse..
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
I'm back baby!
phil14 said:
I am 15, I have deslexia. Not badly just a tiny bit...
I'm wondering where the line is. How whoever diagnosed you knows (but more importantly how you know) why it is dyslexia rather than you just being a rubbish speller.

Nothing personal intended, but I'm sure there's plenty of cases where someone is simply bad at spelling and is diagnosed as dyslexic.
28 Oct 2006
Gilly said:
I'm wondering where the line is. How whoever diagnosed you knows (but more importantly how you know) why it is dyslexia rather than you just being a rubbish speller.

Nothing personal intended, but I'm sure there's plenty of cases where someone is simply bad at spelling and is diagnosed as dyslexic.

I do sometimes also think that, But my parents payed i think £350 4 years ago to have me tested, They said i had mild deslexia. If i work hard i should get the grades i want, its partly also i don't reread what i have written...
29 Oct 2006
As said, dyslexia as a condition doesn't exist IMO, people who have dyslexia are of inferior intelligence and it's unfair they get an advantage over brighter students
24 Aug 2006
its partly also i don't reread what i have written...


reading/spelling/writing ability surely falls onto a normal distribution, just like all human attributes


someome has to be in the left tail! thats life!
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