E-petition MEGA MOSQUE

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its not as if the youth today go to church, Muslims and such are a very religious religeon as you can tell they all pray, go to their mosque even teens.

you never see a 15 year old kid going into church from his own decision these days, if anything they need to raise the profile of the church.

building this mosque is just another way to say to all muslims, hey come to england take our jobs, our land and houses. And when do english people get more of a Chance Never, it all goes towords immgrants.
dirtydog said:
Never happen with immigrant loving, Briton hating Livingstone in charge?

It could seriously work against them though. In an era of what is seemingly increased in-tolerance towards Muslims, a building/monument of such grandeur, may end up serving as a centre point for people to focus their anger towards those committing terrorism in the name of the religion.
Sinny said:
its not as if the youth today go to church, Muslims and such are a very religious religeon as you can tell they all pray, go to their mosque even teens.
That's because the youth of today, aren't Christians, the Muslim youth go to prey, because they are.. Muslim. Same would happen if there was Christian youth.

And OP, should have read your own link as pointed out by Phil99.
dirtydog said:
Never happen with immigrant loving, Briton hating Livingstone in charge?

I personally dont think so because it would be the end of his career and there would be race riots on the streets of E. London.

It would definitely be a focus point, maybe it would be a good thing and kick start all the talkers into real action. Yes by real action i do me violence.
Efour2 said:
I personally dont think so because it would be the end of his career and there would be race riots on the streets of E. London.
You must be joking :) He has already been a disaster for London and he has little mandate from Londoners but he is still there. If the mosque goes ahead it will have no effect on his popularity which is poor already among native Britons in London.

It would definitely be a focus point, maybe it would be a good thing and kick start all the talkers into real action. Yes by real action i do me violence.
Wouldn't you and your ilk simply dismiss them as racist thugs and applaud when they were handed lengthy jail sentences?
Disgusting that they'd spend that much money on a mosque that would serve a tiny, tiny minority of the people. I've just signed the petition. And yes livingstones should be hung for suggsting it!
The word xenophobia, like racism is grossly overused and misused. I'm not such if there is a single xenophobic person on these forums, ie. someone who is irrationally fearful of foreigners, or who hates foreigners. Being opposed to an alien culture spreading in your country at the expense of your own culture, is not xenophobic.
Sorry to pee all over your parade chaps, but Ken will not be spending a penny of tax payer money on this mosque. This was pointed out in the first thread that appeared on these forums, but it seems good lies are hard to put down.

From the horse's mouth:

link said:
The Mayor of London today revealed an organised email campaign around an online poll being conducted by the Evening Standard aimed at stirring up communal hatred by spreading entirely false statements about plans for a new mosque in East London. These included a totally untrue claim that the Mayor was planning to spend £100 million of public money on the mosque when there are no plans to spend any public money at all on the mosque.

I hope this will put an end to these claims on this forum.
Benjarghmin said:
Because unfortunately the christians don't blow up innocent people to get what they want in a country that isn't theirs.

nope... they just organize crusades and tv-marathons...

come on... radical christians are as bad as radical muslims...
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