E30 M3....with a V10!

Awesome. :cool:

There are so many starving children in the world that could be fed for years with the money it took to build that car. And I would line them all up in a line and hit them at 180mph WITH this car.

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Fabrication and these kind of builds fascinate me. Why the hell am I sat in an office all day missing out?! :(
I saw this first a couple of months ago. Definately the most impressive and high quality work. Reading the thread and looking at the images reveal that a LOT of work has gone into accomodating the v10 sympathetically. One little visual touch I like is the exhaust finish location let into the rear. I guess the front skirt is aftermarket as there are no fog/duct apertures.

Great car though, which on the occasional run in with the traffic light gp brigade is probably going to suprize the heck out of a few folk.
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