Ear wax anyone

I can't advise with any authority which are the best because I haven't tried lots of them. But the one I linked is the one I have, so I can at least tell you it works. :)
I recently applied a few drops of olive oil in both ears for a little over two weeks, but not much came out. A bit from my right ear but almost none from the left.

I think it might have helped if I'd used the showerhead to loosen it up a bit.

Temped to try the likes of Otis eardrops out but also a bit hesitant at the same time.

On the point about feeling dizzy, many years ago I recall sitting in a lecture and all of a sudden the room started to spin, and accompanying this was horrible heat/sweats. Turns out it was the start of a nasty ear infection that lasted weeks, it was awful and I've never been so sick. I couldn't open my eyes as the room would begin spinning, which, of course, made me want to be sick once again.
Buy the syringe I linked from Amazon. Works a treat!
Used Otex twice today. Waw! It removes the wax, thats for sure! Will use it for a few days more. See how much it pulls out.
What's the stuff being in your ear got to do with being dizzy? do you get dizzy when you go in to the shower or swimming as water will be in your ears then. Unless its some medical condition or something...

I am fine in the shower and I don't go swimming although in my latter years in the RAF I always used a earplug for my left ear, the reasons why are described below.

Do you have a hole in your ear drum or something?

Back in the early 90's when I was in the RAF I kept failing hearing tests in my left ear but nothing was ever done about it. In 1996 I was at RAF Lyneham and due to go to the Falklands again. A few months before my departure date I had my annual medical and failed the hearing test again in my left ear. No investigation was done but they decided to send me to Portsmouth to have a grommet inserted which seemed to achive nothing at all. In 1997 I was stationd at RAF Laarbruch in germany and started getting severe headaches. I went to the med centre and was told to stop bothering them with a headache. This was like no headache I had ever had and the best I could describe it was having my head in a vice while sticking a red hot poker in my ear but they wouldn't listen. A couple of days later I was on the shop floor working on a power unit and the pain was so bad I just couldn't concentrate. My sergeant who was aware of my pains came over to check on me and said what's that stuff on your neck? I put my hand up and it came away covered in a mix of blood and puss. I was rushed to the med centre and then rushed to hospital where they did a scan which showed a chronic infection of the inner ear that was attacking my skull and nervous system. I was then rushed to a private clinic 300 miles away for a emergency operation to "fix" things. What was supposed to be a hour and a half operation turned into a three and three quarter hour operation as they had to cut away a lot of infected bone and do some grafts (gits stuck my ear back on at a different angle to my right!!). I spent over 6 months with vertigo and severe Tinnitus before recovering fully although I still suffer from Tinnitus, just not as bad as after the operation. The result of the operation was severe hearing loss in my left ear and a huge cavity with everything (bone included) exposed. I still get infections in the ear from time to time and the earwax really smells. It's bad enough that if I am outside flies keep trying to get in my ear. I am now paranoid about the slightest pain or infection in that ear and do everything I can to stop water getting in when showering. I think the reason why I had such a bad reaction to the warm olive oil was because everything inside is exposed. I have a endoscope camera although the resolution is terrible but I will try to get a still picture of the inside of my ear and post it here.
What's the stuff being in your ear got to do with being dizzy? do you get dizzy when you go in to the shower or swimming as water will be in your ears then. Unless its some medical condition or something...

There's a reason there are Ear, nose and throat clinics...they're connected!

Something in your ear can affect your vision
In my case it's my messed up inner ear that probably caused it. I suffer from balance problems quite often and even standing upright too quickly after bending over to look at something can cause things to spin.
Back in the early 90's when I was in the RAF I kept failing hearing tests in my left ear but nothing was ever done about it. In 1996 I was at RAF Lyneham and due to go to the Falklands again. A few months before my departure date I had my annual medical and failed the hearing test again in my left ear. No investigation was done but they decided to send me to Portsmouth to have a grommet inserted which seemed to achive nothing at all. In 1997 I was stationd at RAF Laarbruch in germany and started getting severe headaches. I went to the med centre and was told to stop bothering them with a headache. This was like no headache I had ever had and the best I could describe it was having my head in a vice while sticking a red hot poker in my ear but they wouldn't listen. A couple of days later I was on the shop floor working on a power unit and the pain was so bad I just couldn't concentrate. My sergeant who was aware of my pains came over to check on me and said what's that stuff on your neck? I put my hand up and it came away covered in a mix of blood and puss. I was rushed to the med centre and then rushed to hospital where they did a scan which showed a chronic infection of the inner ear that was attacking my skull and nervous system. I was then rushed to a private clinic 300 miles away for a emergency operation to "fix" things. What was supposed to be a hour and a half operation turned into a three and three quarter hour operation as they had to cut away a lot of infected bone and do some grafts (gits stuck my ear back on at a different angle to my right!!). I spent over 6 months with vertigo and severe Tinnitus before recovering fully although I still suffer from Tinnitus, just not as bad as after the operation. The result of the operation was severe hearing loss in my left ear and a huge cavity with everything (bone included) exposed. I still get infections in the ear from time to time and the earwax really smells. It's bad enough that if I am outside flies keep trying to get in my ear. I am now paranoid about the slightest pain or infection in that ear and do everything I can to stop water getting in when showering. I think the reason why I had such a bad reaction to the warm olive oil was because everything inside is exposed. I have a endoscope camera although the resolution is terrible but I will try to get a still picture of the inside of my ear and post it here.
That's enough internet for me today
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