Ear wax anyone

After using a Otex kit and having very little happen apart from feeling dizzy I asked the nurse if there was another easy way to remove the wax from my ears as I can't get them hoovered out at the moment. She suggested using a little warmed up olive oil. We had some in the cupboard so I warmed it up until it was barely warm, used the Otex dropper to put some in my ear and rapidly found myself on the floor with the room spinning, not knowing which way was up and feeling extremely sick. I called the wife who came charging up the stairs to find me lying on the floor, white as a sheet and sweating buckets. It took 15-20 minutes for the worst symptoms to pass but left me feeling terrible for several hours. Needless to say I will not be doing that again, ever!!
After using a Otex kit and having very little happen apart from feeling dizzy I asked the nurse if there was another easy way to remove the wax from my ears as I can't get them hoovered out at the moment. She suggested using a little warmed up olive oil. We had some in the cupboard so I warmed it up until it was barely warm, used the Otex dropper to put some in my ear and rapidly found myself on the floor with the room spinning, not knowing which way was up and feeling extremely sick. I called the wife who came charging up the stairs to find me lying on the floor, white as a sheet and sweating buckets. It took 15-20 minutes for the worst symptoms to pass but left me feeling terrible for several hours. Needless to say I will not be doing that again, ever!!
What's the stuff being in your ear got to do with being dizzy? do you get dizzy when you go in to the shower or swimming as water will be in your ears then. Unless its some medical condition or something...
After using a Otex kit and having very little happen apart from feeling dizzy I asked the nurse if there was another easy way to remove the wax from my ears as I can't get them hoovered out at the moment. She suggested using a little warmed up olive oil. We had some in the cupboard so I warmed it up until it was barely warm, used the Otex dropper to put some in my ear and rapidly found myself on the floor with the room spinning, not knowing which way was up and feeling extremely sick. I called the wife who came charging up the stairs to find me lying on the floor, white as a sheet and sweating buckets. It took 15-20 minutes for the worst symptoms to pass but left me feeling terrible for several hours. Needless to say I will not be doing that again, ever!!

Your not supposed to use cooking olive oil, you can buy olive oil drops for your ears in pharmacies, boots ect. I use them every few weeks to stop wax build up.
use to get lumps falling out on my pillow when I was younger lol....

seems I generated way too much when I was in my 20s, as I get older it's just never built up in there.

maybe I prod my ears less who knows.
After using a Otex kit and having very little happen apart from feeling dizzy I asked the nurse if there was another easy way to remove the wax from my ears as I can't get them hoovered out at the moment. She suggested using a little warmed up olive oil. We had some in the cupboard so I warmed it up until it was barely warm, used the Otex dropper to put some in my ear and rapidly found myself on the floor with the room spinning, not knowing which way was up and feeling extremely sick. I called the wife who came charging up the stairs to find me lying on the floor, white as a sheet and sweating buckets. It took 15-20 minutes for the worst symptoms to pass but left me feeling terrible for several hours. Needless to say I will not be doing that again, ever!!

You’ve virtually described the symptoms that I had a few years ago, my GP diagnosed it as either an inner or middle ear infection and prescribed an antibiotic, possibly Amoxicillin.
It passed after 5 or 6 days, but it was a weird feeling, if I looked to one side or the other it felt as if my head stopped, but my eyes were still swivelling left or right.
If I got out of bed, I felt giddy and thought that I’d fall, I had to put my hands on the wall and stagger slowly toward the door, or crawl on my knees.
I once took a youngish lad on a hospital visit, he had been complaining for years by all accounts that he could not hear properly out of his left ear.

5 mins into the appointment the doc pulled out an intact head of a cotton wool ear bud, complete with puss, goo & blood. The thing was black and possibly the nastiest thing I've seen for a long time.

Immediately after that his hearing by his own admission improved 100%, he was still always late for lock up however.

Never go too deep people, bad things can happen.

That’s horrible. My dad went to hospital as a teenager for something similar. Couldn’t bear very well and they pulled out a ******* coffee bean he’d stuck in there about a decade before.
I recently applied a few drops of olive oil in both ears for a little over two weeks, but not much came out. A bit from my right ear but almost none from the left.

I think it might have helped if I'd used the showerhead to loosen it up a bit.

Temped to try the likes of Otis eardrops out but also a bit hesitant at the same time.

On the point about feeling dizzy, many years ago I recall sitting in a lecture and all of a sudden the room started to spin, and accompanying this was horrible heat/sweats. Turns out it was the start of a nasty ear infection that lasted weeks, it was awful and I've never been so sick. I couldn't open my eyes as the room would begin spinning, which, of course, made me want to be sick once again.
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I recently applied a few drops of olive oil in both ears for a little over two weeks, but not much came out. A bit from my right ear but almost from the left.
olive oils a waste of time unless you can feel a chunk moving around inside.

it's just to help it come out.
pretty sure it's asking for an ear infection if you use a shower head too often.

if it's properly blocked get it syringed at your GP surgery, you probably pushed and prodded to much and compacted whatever is in there.
if you find yourself going dizzy putting anything into your ear .. you may have punctured your eardrum .. go see a doctor ... olive oil just softens the wax .. we then syringe warm water to get out the lumps .. do it to the wives ears bout every 6 months
olive oils a waste of time unless you can feel a chunk moving around inside.

it's just to help it come out.
pretty sure it's asking for an ear infection if you use a shower head too often.

if it's properly blocked get it syringed at your GP surgery, you probably pushed and prodded to much and compacted whatever is in there.

Yeah, I think I'm just going to let it be. Ear infections are very unpleasant.
After using a Otex kit and having very little happen apart from feeling dizzy I asked the nurse if there was another easy way to remove the wax from my ears as I can't get them hoovered out at the moment. She suggested using a little warmed up olive oil. We had some in the cupboard so I warmed it up until it was barely warm, used the Otex dropper to put some in my ear and rapidly found myself on the floor with the room spinning, not knowing which way was up and feeling extremely sick. I called the wife who came charging up the stairs to find me lying on the floor, white as a sheet and sweating buckets. It took 15-20 minutes for the worst symptoms to pass but left me feeling terrible for several hours. Needless to say I will not be doing that again, ever!!

Temperature difference of the oil and other ear probably made you feel dizzy etc
I used one of those things as I was convinced I had compacted ear wax. Turns out there was barely any in there at all.
After using a Otex kit and having very little happen apart from feeling dizzy I asked the nurse if there was another easy way to remove the wax from my ears as I can't get them hoovered out at the moment. She suggested using a little warmed up olive oil. We had some in the cupboard so I warmed it up until it was barely warm, used the Otex dropper to put some in my ear and rapidly found myself on the floor with the room spinning, not knowing which way was up and feeling extremely sick. I called the wife who came charging up the stairs to find me lying on the floor, white as a sheet and sweating buckets. It took 15-20 minutes for the worst symptoms to pass but left me feeling terrible for several hours. Needless to say I will not be doing that again, ever!!

Do you have a hole in your ear drum or something?
Get yourself an otoscope. That way at least you can see what you're doing, and therefore can avoid your eardrum. It also means that you can easily tell whether you genuinely have a problem or not.


That's just an example, there's about a hundred alternatives.
I have issues with my ears all the time had to have them cleaned at the doctors multiple times, didnt even think of a device like this....thanks
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