EARLY PRE-ORDER on the new Razer Mouse

great stuff. looks like one of the RAT mice but presented better.

after using my mamba 2012, and trying the new Taipan, I am expecting this to be equally precise and awesome.

Prefer the 2012 Mamba or Taipain?

Also hoping my 2012 doesn't go same route as last one, rubber pads coming off and rubber fading on top, granted after about 3-4 years of hard use but still.
I wish one of these "ergonomic scientists" would explain that when holding a mouse it is easier to move your thumb up & down than it is backwards and forwards. MS Sidewinder mice are still the only mice with the thumb buttons placed vertically rather than side by side.
I have a cyborg mouse which I think has excellent forward + back placement. They're angled further back than usual so you press them with the base of your thumb.

It feels lightning fast in games, I do wish for something more standard for general internet browsing though.
Always worried about wireless mice, specially if they run out mid gaming session, might be tempted by this though hmmm...
I swear, I have been through so many mice in my time. Razer Deathadder, Logitech G9, Coolermaster Xornet, Logitech MX518, Logitech G5 and I always revert back to my old school mouse either a simple Logitech G1 or WMO 1.1a. There is only one more mouse that I want to try and that is the Razer Abysuss for the claw grip style.
I wish one of these "ergonomic scientists" would explain that when holding a mouse it is easier to move your thumb up & down than it is backwards and forwards. MS Sidewinder mice are still the only mice with the thumb buttons placed vertically rather than side by side.
I wish one of these "ergonomic scientists" would explain that when holding a mouse it is easier to move your thumb up & down than it is backwards and forwards. MS Sidewinder mice are still the only mice with the thumb buttons placed vertically rather than side by side.

Because your thumb is the wrong shape. Us people who gave correctly shaped thumbs use the end of our thumb for the front button, and the middle of our thumbs for the back button.
Im talking myself out of the idea of buying a hex on account of the crappy firmware issue and the sticky glossy top... so the cost isnt much of an issue (tho i could buy a new SSD for this price!) ... but do i NEED this?
Think I'm gonna pre-order one given that Thermaltake are still farting around with their level 10 mouse, and I'm left-handed and really want a wireless mouse that can go big (large hands, palm style)
£115 isn't worth what £115 was worth 4-5 years ago. You have to remember that. You want quality you pay for it :)
inflation calculator says 115 in 2008 is worth 116 in 2010

i doubt therea huge discrepancy between 2010-2012

either ways its an overly expensive mouse but i guess its no worse than the £250 keyboards
my g9 was £42 ex vat in 2008. It's replacement, the g9x is.......£46 ext vat right now. I don't believe the price of mice has moved all that much. But i do believe we are seeing progressively more expensive, sorry....'quality', mice being released these days.
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