EARLY PRE-ORDER on the new Razer Mouse

Think I'm gonna pre-order one given that Thermaltake are still farting around with their level 10 mouse, and I'm left-handed and really want a wireless mouse that can go big (large hands, palm style)

Would love to spend less if someone could please recommend me:

1\ wireless mouse
2\ ambidextrous
3\ for large hands
4\ palm-grip

Recommend away!
Hmm learn somit new every day then, still its not a word you hear often is it and i only remember it because of red dwarf. ;)

Also didnt mean to imply they made it up just that maybe they named it that based from someone watching red dwarf. :p
£115 isn't worth what £115 was worth 4-5 years ago. You have to remember that. You want quality you pay for it :)

You don't buy a Razer then... Quality and it aren't correlated..

Good thing that mouse companies don't have patent laws like Apple and Samsung.. Saitek would be suing Razer right now xD

Price really is ridiculous.... I know this isn't you guys fault, but Razers, as I specifically remember a topic not too long ago where they were upping all their prices on all products...

You don't buy a Razer then... Quality and it aren't correlated..

Good thing that mouse companies don't have patent laws like Apple and Samsung.. Saitek would be suing Razer right now xD

Price really is ridiculous.... I know this isn't you guys fault, but Razers, as I specifically remember a topic not too long ago where they were upping all their prices on all products...


30% comes to mind for some reason. Sure I read that on here somewhere.
Does it come with a personal assistant that polishes your mouse!?

Then again most people would probably think spending £60 on a mouse was a crazy so what do I know

@Sobtanian, Steelseries make quite a few ambidextrous mice. I gave the sensei a try for my latest mouse and its pretty good + v. nice scroll wheel but I think I'll be going back to a right hander next time as it feels more natural to me.
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Does it come with a personal assistant that polishes your mouse!?

Then again most people would probably think spending £60 on a mouse was a crazy so what do I know

@sobtanian, Steelseries make quite a few ambidextrous mice. I gave the sensei a try for my latest mouse and its pretty good + v. nice scroll wheel but I think I'll be going back to a right hander next time as it feels more natural to me.

I've got a XAI which I used for quite a while, but it's too flat for my liking. I prefer the mouse to have a high arc so it fits into the palm without causing too much strain :(

The only current mouse I've found that's suitable is the MS Sidewinder X3, because it's big and has a high arc. I'm tempted to try and hunt down an intellimouse optical you know....
Yeah I know what you mean about the height thing, I came from a G500 and as well as being a right-hander it had that extra height, which felt more suited to my hand. I'm used to the sensei now but as I said I'll probably go to something similar to the G500 for my next mouse - G500 just had annoying side buttons and you needed a bionic finger for the middle mouse :S
Anyone that can afford to spend this much on a mouse can afford to buy me one as well.

Email me in trust for delivery address.

As if the name wasn't bad enough, look at the price! :/

It's a mouse for crying out loud! I can get a motherboard and ram for that price lol
The mouse is due in the next few weeks. I have been chasing Razer, but no final date pinned yet.
The mouse is due in the next few weeks. I have been chasing Razer, but no final date pinned yet.

OK, thanks.

To everyone else:

I've never had a problem with any Razer mice/keyboards personally, and being left handed, with large hands, and a palm-holder, I really don't have that many options for a wireless gaming mouse. If anyone has any suggestions other than this mouse, I'd be delighted.
Mamba first generation is okay, I have one that pretty much sits on the dock most of the time. Only gripe I have with it is that it seems too light (personal preference here i guess). Also it does not seem as solidly built as my Logitech g900. Great look on this one though, can never fault them on their designs, always drool worthy
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