Earplugs - do I need to bother?

Riding a 20 year old bike, I find that earplugs give my bike the best tuneup it's ever had!
It's nice to feel like you have superman's hearing for 5 minutes after a journey on the bike with earplugs in. I feel like I could hear a fly fart in a recording studio.
Out of interest - what plugs is everyone using? I've been using 3M Classic types for a while and find them better than the ones which are soft and 'gooey' in texture. I've just ordered a pack of 10 3M 1100 types to give them a try.
Cotton wax jobbies, but they're a bit of a pain because although they're mega comfortable and block noise pretty well, you have to soften them before you insert them in your ear. I'm after some foam / rubber ones that can be inserted instantly.
Out of interest - what plugs is everyone using? I've been using 3M Classic types for a while and find them better than the ones which are soft and 'gooey' in texture. I've just ordered a pack of 10 3M 1100 types to give them a try.

I use 3M 1100. They work very well.
You can buy a 10 pack off ebay of varying types. So you can try a few types before you settle on stuff. Moldex seem to be the best range for me.
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