Easy way to unblock a toilet?

What the hell have you put down there that won't shift?

On the rare occasion our toilet blocks I usually just keep flushing it and hoping for the best, you need big man parts for that though...because it can go very wrong very quickly :D.

If that doesn't work putting your hand down is the next best. With this particular toilet in our house it's got a stupidly narrow area in the trap which tends to get blocked when someone has been a bit too busy with the toilet roll.

If it's happens a lot you can try splitting your visit up, business, flush, wipe then flush again. If it still gets blocked at least you're only looking at transfer not full blown "chunks".
How do you know its blocked at the toilet itself?
Personally I'd be checking your foul drain first. (Well you not me!)
One thing to check also is the exterior drain pipe, I couldn't figure out why I have a blockage, it turned out that there was like a joining box on the outside wall where the bath and sink drains went into one larger downpipe.

This box had no lid, and there was a substantial plant growing out of it.
My toilet blocks all the time. I even have a big stick next to it that I poke down and wiggle if I get a blockage. :o

I need an industrial toilet.
I called someone out years back for a blocked drain (further along somewhere - he used yards of rodding) and we talked about it a bit. He loved wipes of all kinds...because they provided lots of work for him. Especially the ones that say on the box that you can flush them down the loo. You can, yes, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea.

Even the so called flushable ones are still bad as they still don't disintegrate. I work in waste pump repairs and damage caused by wipes is one of the common causes of failure. Some pumps have cutters to shred larger objects but it doesn't work on wipes. They wrap around the impeller until it builds into a super knot that seizes the pump. We've repair pumps only for them to come back a month later cause some cretin flushed a ton of wipes down. One time it happened twice in a row and they tried to find out who it was, suspecting it was a women. Turned out is was a male security guard who liked the soft feel of baby wipes against his cheeks. :p
It cleared pretty quickly after pouring a couple of huge buckets of water down the toilet. In my next bathroom I think I'm just going to get a latrine fitted.
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