I now have the laptop and screen in the car running off the battery with a relay so the
PC will only work when the ignition is on.If the ignition is not on then the laptop will run
off its own battery.This will be handy when getting petrol etc... as the pc will just stay
on when I'm filling up and just run on its own battery.When I return to the car and start
it the laptop will run off the cars battery.
I have set the laptop to automatically hibernate when ignition is off after 10 mins in the
bios too.
Ran into a few problems with the audio side of things here's a pic.
My original plan was to use the onboard sound going into a connects2
adaptor in the boot replacing the CD changer unit like you see in the pic.
This is the testing stage so its looks a bit of a mess
But I ran into "noise" and "interference" that sounded awful.
This is called a ground loop issue.When I ran the lappy of its own battery
through the connects2 interface the "noise" went away.As soon as I plugged
the lappy into the car battery again the "noise" returned
This was no good so I decided on a few things:
Upgrade to shielded RCA cables
Ditch the onboard soundmax audio

and get an Creative Xmod allowing
virtual surround sound in my car via USB
and lastly get a ground loop isolator.
I was advised to ground the connects2 adaptor and the laptop this didn't
work so I figured moving the sound from the laptop completely would "clean"
the signal.It did.
I now have 24BIT "clean audio" provided by the Xmod and It sounds fantastic.
Pics coming shortly