No you're current install is trash. That would be a decent compromise.
The effort to install that bezel lol
why skimp?
No you're current install is trash. That would be a decent compromise.
I'd have been put off by the actual BMW widescreen satnav too, but I would however have made my install "look" like the BMW widescreen satnav.
A bit more work, yes, but just as stealthy to anyone peering in, and a lot better aesthetically. But more costly and time consuming. To me, its worth it however.
[TW]Fox;11545747 said:I do love the new steering wheel though.
My harsh words were in response to many criticisms about me not liking "ghetto" installs.
If you can do it over a weekend, DO IT, it will look 100x better
OP might have got a better response on a car pc forum or something but you actually get truthful and often blunt/to the point opinions on this forum from a few of the members, quite refreshing actually
I personally think the install is nice, but i've got an extremely bland Japanese interior
Because PC hardware is a real puzzle
Stop with your elitist BS. It won't work well in Motors.
Also you say you went for functionality over form?
When infact you have near lost full functionality from a vital part of the car from the dodgy hookup. I'd value that more but hey.
As a technical exercise I think it's great. Would prefer the integrated screen, but easy can always do that at a later date.
What software do you have on it? Does it have GPS as well?
I agree with it being good from a technical exercise point of view.. of course like most, I would prefer an OEM look, but each to their own..
Shame the threads derailed somewhat with the angry mob.. in these 'diary' style threads, I can't see why people can't just post their negative opinion in a civilised manner, and leave the thread if it's not for them, but when you see someone's opening gambit as "I agree it looks like a turd" and go downhill from there they just look like some sad/angry loner with nothing better to do with their time, which isn't like that poster at all..
It looks turd IMO
I think i may have to attack my car after seeing this, nice work
To come up with that from a dead laptop and some bits.....fair play to you, more than I could do. Would love something like this.
I think it's good, I wouldn't want to change anything OEM, and this seems like a decent compromise. I hang my iPod and XDA Stellar off cradles, not really fussed about sit in a car for comfort!
so was it really worth the really tempted to do this now
Doesnt look too bad tbh, id prefer it to have an OEM look, but it doesnt look as repulsive as has been suggested, i would however be carefull with the vents, the LCD wont stand the heat or cold very well, (trust me been there and plus im an electronics engineer before you spout 'im better than you' nonsense).
Oh and as an aside, why do you need a multimedia centre in the car, i have a DVD player in mine, and i think ive played a DVD once in the car!
Ahh kids, thats fair enough, you can get cheap headrest screen trimmed in different colours from china for sensible money, they actually look quite OEM
I'm not arguing anyone's wrong, just that on the 'surface' although not ideal, putting the LCD on the vents doesn't sound like a critical disaster..
I think this thread sums up a lot about this place