We all know that (rightly) the FA would not allow the statement "white lives matter" to be used as it is clearly incitement - but if the rules really were black and white then they would not be able to ban anyone for saying it, but I would bet they would based on the same rules they banned Cavani as it references skin colour.
As such, they have made allowances for BLM by allowing the use of skin colour to be used in a statement, that if the opposite were to be used would get a ban. Most sane people know that BLM doesn't mean other lives don't, but the rules don't say that you can pick and chose which skin colours you can reference.
I'm obviously being extremely facetious here, just to point out how ridiculous the whole situation of race relations has become when a bloke is banned by the rules to punish racists, for not being racist. I'm more annoyed at them muddying the waters with the reactionary BLM support when they had Kick It Out to re-embolden, using the BLM momentum to carry on that fight for all. As the BLM stuff started with a political movement it should never have been allowed anywhere near sport and should not have been allowed. Football should have had it's own message to push out racism, and needs to do far more than token gestures and repeated slogans.
Edit: all in all, I actually think Cavani being banned is the right outcome as the word he used shouldn't be used, but I'd caveat that with where does it end? I mean, there is no list of banned words, it's just all down to the mention of colour, connotation and interpretation. As long as it proves to be consistent over time it will help as the language used will become less problematic.
I've already noticed a lot less race focused commentary and analysis, remember when every black player was "powerful" or a "beast"? It was bloody boring to hear.
I just think there needs to be an area for understanding, learning and healing so that events like this don't get lumped in with events like the Suarez/Evra episode. We all know that Suarez intended it in a derogatory manner, and we know due to context that Cavani did not. But the charge is the same, when it should not. I don't like people being labelled as racist when making linguistic errors, we all make mistakes - label them as such.