[Einstein@home] UK Teams Title Race

No problem. Seems as if a few tasks are giving errors. GPU clocks might be too high but it hasn't crashed yet and I can't do anything about it remotely. Should be putting a dent in UK BOINC's lead at least :D

I have just had a few 'Validation inconclusive's' but other than that I seem fine, experiment with your gpu timings when you are able & see what happens.
Thanks again for your massive contribution.

It won't last. I don't use the main PC for crunching much. Just giving my scores a quick boost ;)

No worries, I wasnt expecting what you just put out anyway, it just came from nowhere :)
Teams PPD breaks a Million!

1,062,632 :cool:

I'm going to do a full team update on Thursday as I'm in the middle of my shift at the moment.
Fired this up today, both GPU units are stuck on 100% 'ready to report'. What do I need to do to get them moving on another unit?
*EDIT* doesn't matter, seems to have worked now, they've moved onto new units.
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I noticed the total throughput at E@H had gone up past 2PetaFLOPS, I guess this must be why ;)
A bit more info on the WUs people are crunching. Assuming you're doing BRP6 on GPU.
BRP is an abbreviation of Binary Radio Pulsar, the class of astronomical object that's being searched for in the data from the Parkes radio teslescope in Australia (the one from'The Dish'). 6 because it's the 6th interrogation of the data using different search parameters.
Pulsars emit periodic signals. This occurs because the energy is directed from the poles of a spinning neutron star. When it's pointed towards earth we observe it, otherwise it's dark. Like a lighthouse. Radio pulsars are observed in the radio spectrum (long wavelength, big telescope).
The binary part is due to them being in a system with another body (probably a massive compact one like a black hole or neutron star). This further complicates the viewed signal as there may be an additional periodicity to the signal from the orbit around the common centre of gravity.

A better explanation from one of the project members is here and then here.

The WU's have a fixed credit value of 4,400 I believe.

Looks like MGP is gaining on me fast. I'll have to try running more than one WU at a time on the GPU (or maybe 'accidentally' leaving it on over night).
Anyone been in touch with UK Boinc to let them know we're hunting them down?
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Fired this up today, both GPU units are stuck on 100% 'ready to report'. What do I need to do to get them moving on another unit?
*EDIT* doesn't matter, seems to have worked now, they've moved onto new units.

Upon completion the WU status in boinc will change to 'uploading' and then to 'ready to report' once the result data has been received at the project server.
Another WU should start almost immediately but may show 0% progress for a while and therefore not move up to the top of the queue. If a WU is stuck in 'uploading' it might be your internet connection or the project server might be down.

Wu's showing 'ready to report' are essentially completed successfully and just waiting for the next scheduled contact with the project server to confirm it's Ok to delete local data. You can force this from the projects tab by selecting E@H and clicking update. :)
Should I not be doing "Gamma-ray pulsar search #4 v1.15" units? Seem to take 13/14 hours and I get a paltry 693 credits. That's a quarter of the credits per day compared to Denis
If you are running on CPU then you'll be doing FGRP4 WUs. This is a different scientific study. The credits awarded are lower because the amount of work done in FLOPS is much smaller. Most of the talk in the thread is about the GPU WUs, hence my description of the work. I can find some links to information about the FGRP search if it's of interest?

The original gravity wave search is currently on hold while the upgraded interferometers are brought on line and start collecting science data.
With the pausing of Denis my feeble resource is now helping, might add 0.1% to the PPD

It all counts and you have just as much chance as I of discovering a pulsar - how cool would that be :)

Fired this up today

Outstanding :cool:

........maybe 'accidentally' leaving it on over night).
Anyone been in touch with UK Boinc to let them know we're hunting them down?

WOOT! Accidentally :eek:

Not been in touch with BoincUK....sssssh, was hoping we could keep this in S.A.S mode till we get much closer :D

Should I not be doing "Gamma-ray pulsar search #4 v1.15" units? Seem to take 13/14 hours and I get a paltry 693 credits. That's a quarter of the credits per day compared to Denis

Sounds like your looking at this from a Boinc combined point of view - which is a thorn in my side.
Credit from project to project is not directly comparable, they all have different rates.
Boinc combined is (from a competitive standpoint) completely meaningless in my opinion and should be ignored (scrapped if I had my way).
Einstein@home points are hard earned, produce real valued science and in popularity is second only to seti@home.
So dont worry mate, your doing fine :)
Thanks for the feedback, GPU work (2 at a time hopefully) occurs when I'm not using the PC. Sadly only a really naff ATI card though.
Don't forget that this is one of the few projects that can use the GPU embedded in your Intel CPUs. It all contributes to your central heating :D
To anyone where cost is the main issue, and lets face it, thats a lot of people these days cpu only is an option, as MGP mentioned embedded gpu is a bonus.
As for very low power usage GPU's the nVidia GT series should be of interest.

GT730 (GDDR5 version is best) 25w - 384 cores ........25w, thats almost free :)
Bah, I refreshed this page thinking you were going to post it here lol. Lesson of the day: don't try to read forums when you're tired :o:D
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