EK Quantum Kinetic FLT Evolv'd

Just watched the video, rig looks awesome.

Great work on the video too. :cool:
just watched video Jay. Stunning man, absolutely stunning.
You could win casemod competitions with that badboy.
Cheers guys, as usual more to come! Haha not sure about winning a comp, would be nice but there are so many other nicer builds out there. Just got dispatch notification of the XSPC EDGE CPU waterblock :).

Something to do again this weekend haha!
Abit of s setback today, received the new XSPC block great! However, wrong block.. they sent me the AM4 block instead .

Arranging a return now and hoping they can send a new block out to me this weekend. Damn lol
New blocks in, just doing some testing now but so far so good. Used Liquid metal for a change... forgot what an arse it is to apply! First used it way back when i had a phenom 955 and on a 3570K.

So far temps are sitting around 48-50c while playing No mans sky.

Some edited phone pics of the new block. I've switched back to normal thermal paste after a trial run of the conductonaut.

With the conductonaut i was achieving around 48-55c on the cpu block at max with a 5.1 OC @1.285v.
With the Kryonaut i achieve around 58-65c on the cpu block at max with the same 5.1 OC @1.285v.

Now compare that Kryonaut result with the bitspower summit EF block from 2012... Same settings same application i was hitting around 68-75c between the cores with high spikes of 80c+. Come along away i'd say but still keep the old block as a spare in case something goes wrong.

From the conductonaut there#s quite an improvement but noticed some staining on the IHS and block so decided to go back to normal paste for now unless im gonna benchmarking then i'll do a switch over.







It's finally done! Mega happy with the outcome, i admit i had to redo those bends a few times but getting the hang of doing it now. I wouldn't say they're perfect but a lot better than how they were before. Without all the angled fittings its so much cleaner and simplistic, achieving the end goal. Using the quantum kinetic block is definitely the way forward for me, it saves so much space and easily mountable to any 120mm fan slot. Without the big tube style reservoir and pump combo, i gain a lot of space for nicer tube runs. Highly recommend them here!

View attachment 2uMEBe2.jpg






View attachment B1KcpMu.jpg

Thanks for looking :)
I have much to learn! Great work man
Testing a quick external rad tomorrow to see what i can do to bring gpu temps down further. Using a simple TX360 rad that i used previously for this test, lets see if we can get it to dip below 45c!

Awaiting Alphacool QD's (£70's worth, bloody expensive!) and a rad stand for the 360.
If i get nice results i'll order the Mo-Ra3 pro and find it a nice spot.



Got 6 fans on this TX360 for push pull. I've seen in tests with push pull i can get an additional 4c of cooling, i know this wont be a direct translation for my scenario but extra cooling is welcome always.
What can i say, just wow! i've gone from 48-50c to a much lower 41-42c! I reckon a thicker radiator like a RX 360 or a GTR 360 60mm radiator would give me even lower temps in push pull config! I'm running fans at barely 1000rpm and its dead silent. The whole assembly was abit fiddly but once i got the bends in and all the heights correct it was pretty easy after that. The quick disconnects are great, you only lose about a drop of coolant, a tiny amount when you disconnect them. I used some EK ZMT for the external rad as its the best flexi tubing on the market that i basically had laying around from my older build. Had to use a pci bracket to hold the tubing runs up and then use abit of rubber seal to stop it from rubbing on the metal bracket, gives it a nice bit of area to perch on.

I think from this alone im definitely gonna invest in a MoRa3 pro rad next month, just finding space for it on my desk will be a pain unless i route it next to the window.

Quick build compilation:














Looking awesome, how much more can you do to it?

I finally got everything I needed to do my build this weekend and it actually went pretty smoothly. You deserve a lot of the credit as I took a lot of inspiration from yours so thank you :D
The 3080 I preorded a month ago hasn't been dispatched yet and I was lucky enough to get a second one so when first arrives, I will install the water block I've got and sell the one in there at the moment.

I am having an issue with the GPU riser cable though, you may be able to help. Both the phantek and ezdiy cables stop the system from booting. The ezdiy one worked for a bit but after leaving it on overnight to download some games, it had shut down by morning and wouldn't turn on. I set them to use Gen 3 PCI-E in the BIOS but still no luck, have you had experience with this, any tips as I want to vertically mount it when the 3080 to water cool arrives.

Otherwise it's all working great and I'm very pleased with my first build, thanks again!

Looking awesome, how much more can you do to it?

I finally got everything I needed to do my build this weekend and it actually went pretty smoothly. You deserve a lot of the credit as I took a lot of inspiration from yours so thank you :D
The 3080 I preorded a month ago hasn't been dispatched yet and I was lucky enough to get a second one so when first arrives, I will install the water block I've got and sell the one in there at the moment.

I am having an issue with the GPU riser cable though, you may be able to help. Both the phantek and ezdiy cables stop the system from booting. The ezdiy one worked for a bit but after leaving it on overnight to download some games, it had shut down by morning and wouldn't turn on. I set them to use Gen 3 PCI-E in the BIOS but still no luck, have you had experience with this, any tips as I want to vertically mount it when the 3080 to water cool arrives.

Otherwise it's all working great and I'm very pleased with my first build, thanks again!

MoRa3 is on order so will install that when it comes, also wanna get a bigger 360 rad for the cpu as it still gets a little toasty but trying to squeeze anything thicker than a 30mm rad up top is abit of a mission.

Looks excellent this mate, this setup is ideal for dual rad dual loop setups as it fits perfectly while not totally blocking off intake. Allows the top rad to be cooled more appropriately than just pushing through hot air from the bottom rad.

Great job mate honestly :)

I can't say i've had this issue due to running Intel, but if you've already locked it in gen 3 mode and using a gen 3 riser it should run fine. Have you tried resetting back to bios defaults, then restart and back into bios again to configure it into Gen3 mode? You'd be surprised how many times thats fixed things for me when it doesn't work the first time.

Aslong as the pcie bracket for the riser cable is adjustable you'll be able to fit the vertical mounts (provided they dont need to be slotted into the back of the case). There's less rigidity with this style of mounting but its a lot more versatile.
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Just get on cad and start knocking up a design for a rad box to go under your O11:D
Btw what component are you going to cool with the MoRa?
Haha wish i could! Waiting to see how much this Cooling box from EK is gonna cost, If its under a £100 i'll bite.
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