EK quantum torque micro 90 degree issues

12 Feb 2014
Somewhere Only We Know
Is it just me or has anyone else experienced and issues with these fittings ?

In total I've brought 4, and they're really not cheap, so far out of the 4, I've only had 1 that haven't failed in some way......yet !!!, whilst connecting the first one the Alan key joint snapped off and fell inside the fitting, leaving shards of metal to fall into my water block, I couldn't get the fitting back out and had to dremmel it in half to be able to remove it from my water block, I then had to strip my water block down to remove all the shards of metal that fell through which turned out to be the 4 little posts that connect the top Alan key to the bottom thread, I wasn't even doing it up that tight, just pinching it up.

The next 2 just leaked like a tap from the same place (the Alan key joint)

I'm using 1 now but closely monitoring it for leaks as I'm starting to rapidly lose trust in these fittings.

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Standard EK QC unfortunately.

Their RMA procedure is decent though so should get replacements.

Look into Barrow if you need micro 90s. About 18.5mm height.
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Barrow fittings came today, and whilst removing the EK micro fitting, the same thing happened again, I won't ever be buying these again, in with the dremmel again.

Barrow fittings came today, and whilst removing the EK micro fitting, the same thing happened again, I won't ever be buying these again, in with the dremmel again.

Nervous now, got 4 of these in my system. Let me know how the barrow ones are.
The best low profile fittings I've used are Koolance "Swivelling Elbow" ones. They can be a bit fidgety with the two washers, but I've never had one fail.


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The best low profile fittings I've used are Koolance "Swivelling Elbow" ones. They can be a bit fidgety with the two washers, but I've never had one fail.


Agreed those are solid . Got a couple myself, problem is they don't work with some 16/10 and 13/10 fittings.
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Agreed those are solid . Got a couple myself, problem is they don't work with some 16/10 and 13/10 fittings.

Ooops, I'm using 13/10 compression fittings with soft tubing.

The barrow ones are great, very small and solid, could do with a couple of rotary fittings for a couple of them though.
The best low profile fittings I've used are Koolance "Swivelling Elbow" ones. They can be a bit fidgety with the two washers, but I've never had one fail.


Thanks, they look like the dogs doo da's but not available in the UK, I can get them from the USA but postage is a rip.
Thanks, they look like the dogs doo da's but not available in the UK, I can get them from the USA but postage is a rip.

Yeah, I had issues as well and couldn't get them initially, I ended up buying a few when some stock turned up somewhere. They're worth keeping an eye out for if you remember, I wouldn't have fit everything in my current build without two of them (fluked my way to things only just fitting).
Is it just me or has anyone else experienced and issues with these fittings ?

In total I've brought 4, and they're really not cheap, so far out of the 4, I've only had 1 that haven't failed in some way......yet !!!, whilst connecting the first one the Alan key joint snapped off and fell inside the fitting, leaving shards of metal to fall into my water block, I couldn't get the fitting back out and had to dremmel it in half to be able to remove it from my water block, I then had to strip my water block down to remove all the shards of metal that fell through which turned out to be the 4 little posts that connect the top Alan key to the bottom thread, I wasn't even doing it up that tight, just pinching it up.

The next 2 just leaked like a tap from the same place (the Alan key joint)

I'm using 1 now but closely monitoring it for leaks as I'm starting to rapidly lose trust in these fittings.

I've got a few of these and using 2 on my main rig right now in satin silver and tbh have been great. Gave me the wiggle room i needed in a previous build.

Thats bad to see the hex part shear like that! It defo shouldn't be that brittle thats for sure.

None of mine have leaked (yet), 2 of them i have been using for 3 years now.
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EK may be the cool kids when it comes to watercooling but unfortunately for them and those who buy them their QC is terrible. They used to make nice parts once but now its just over priced and underperforming rubbish :(
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EK may be the cool kids when it comes to watercooling but unfortunately for them and those who buy them their QC is terrible. They used to make nice parts once but now its just over priced and underperforming rubbish :(

Yeah....im starting to see that myself now, these Barrow fittings seem pretty good, very solid, and thanks to @Parsley ive managed to source a couple of those Koolance "Swivelling Elbow" fittings which i'll stick on my water block at the weekend.
EK may be the cool kids when it comes to watercooling but unfortunately for them and those who buy them their QC is terrible. They used to make nice parts once but now its just over priced and underperforming rubbish :(

I try to avoid EK whenever i can tbh, most of my watercooling gear isn't even EK anymore, been let down too many times. 10 years ago they were something else, really good and unique with a high level of care. Now it just seems they're more interested in churning out products regardless of the level of quality.
Honestly can't say I've had any problems with any of the EK stuff I've had, and I use them almost exclusively now. The one issue with a cracked port on a distro was likely my fault and they replaced it out of warranty for me without issue. Their 4090 fe block is a pain to install and they really need better thermal pads but other than cost it's my only gripe with them.
Honestly can't say I've had any problems with any of the EK stuff I've had, and I use them almost exclusively now. The one issue with a cracked port on a distro was likely my fault and they replaced it out of warranty for me without issue. Their 4090 fe block is a pain to install and they really need better thermal pads but other than cost it's my only gripe with them.

You may have been lucky with their products but you can't deny they are overpriced. Their 4090 waterblock is something daft like £300+ when other brands offer blocks for half the price
You may have been lucky with their products but you can't deny they are overpriced. Their 4090 waterblock is something daft like £300+ when other brands offer blocks for half the price

You're absolutely right about them being overpriced, unfortunately for me I got stuck with their seriously ******* annoying Matrix 7 ecosystem. I wanted the newer front distro, and with things being out of stock and me waiting months for parts a lot of my gear was passed the return date so it was either lose a ton of cash trying to sell stuff or plough ahead. I was fortunate enough at the time to have the cash to go forward with it.

What I will say is, if I ever do another water cooled rig in the future it won't be with EK stuff.
I will never buy any fitting from EK again. Had multiple "normal" 45/90 swivel fittings and all of them leaked eventually. Meanwhile Barrow for half the price is solid and never leaked. Correct that, I will never buy anything from EK ever again. Their quality went downhill over the last few years. Their 4090 block is literally the worst on the market, worse than Barrow even.
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