Elder Scrolls Oblivion Hints and Tips *SPOILER WARNING*

I'm at the start of the 'Order of the virtuous blood' quest, which I hope I haven't screwed by doing the main quest prior to this..

I've been told to search Jenseric's house in the Temple district of The Imperial City for a clue to his wereabouts but after an hour of ramsacking his beloved home I've found sweet FA. So after kicking all his plates, bottles, papers etc around the place I thought I'd come here for assistance ;)
Just a hint would be nice.
Mr Blonde said:
I'm at the start of the 'Order of the virtuous blood' quest, which I hope I haven't screwed by doing the main quest prior to this..

I've been told to search Jenseric's house in the Temple district of The Imperial City for a clue to his wereabouts but after an hour of ramsacking his beloved home I've found sweet FA. So after kicking all his plates, bottles, papers etc around the place I thought I'd come here for assistance ;)
Just a hint would be nice.

*HINT ON THIS LINE* {You're looking for something from his girlfriend}

*ANSWER ON THIS LINE* {There's a love letter which describes a "special place" - iirc it's on the table on ground floor}

Flying Gribble said:

Ahhh thanks for that. I'll go and have another 'more friendly' search, cheers.
Edit: Doh, that'll teach me to creep around all the time. I couldn't see it on the table.
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Tom1138 said:
Whats the best house in TES4? I seen some nice towns but want to know is the most expensive?

The most expensive one is that Rosesomething hall at £25,000 but I personally think they're all a bit average.

I've been 'house hunting' a fair bit and have aquired a few by force. Once you've cleared them out there's not much difference from what I can see. You can can still store things in chests and sleep in them without interuption and without fear of things going missing...

I may try Cloudbase or whatever it's called next and see what the blades think about a new owner ;)
Don't know if this is well known but I've found that if your infamy is higher than your fame you can't cure yourself by praying at an alter.

Best way of doing the arena is have a high acrobat lvl about 30 and a bow with loads of arrows, as soon as the gate lowers run too your right to the closed gate and jump on the pillar and jump again to the bit above it, they cant reach you there unless they are a wizard or archer, but can stand toe to toe with them anyhow.
Sorry of this has been posted before - just discovered it and it's late :)

I found that decreasing the amount of grass (not just the draw distance) really smoothed the gameplay out a lot for me. Look for this line in the ini in the grass section:


80 is the default. Set it higher to reduce the amount of grass and really increase performance. I've found 120 is the best compromise - the grass is a bit more "clumpy" than lush, but still looks good :) I also tried turning off the wind sway on the grass and it made absolutely no difference for me, although some people swear by it. To turn it off find (under grass in the ini again) the following commands:


...and set them both to 0.
Heres a hint for lock picking. There seems to be 3 or 4 different speeds for the tumblers to fall. So there are 2 slow ones and 2 fast. A fast fall never follows a fast fall. So you can knock the tumbler up and watch it fall if it sticks you know that the next fall will be fast and the one after that slower.

I find this helps a lot with trying to pick locks. It still takes some skill but once you get the hang of it it makes the lock picking a bit more easier.

lastnight i had an issue with the fighters guild quest in swampcave, there where no bodys to find so the quest was stuck.. to get around it, in the console i typed;
setstage FGC10Swamp 40
that told it that i had found the bodys :)

i thought i'd post this info incase someone else has the same problem with that quest.
I've just joined the thieves guild but didn't realise that i can't kill on the job. How does that effect my intention to join the Dark Brotherhood?
CliffyG said:
I've just joined the thieves guild but didn't realise that i can't kill on the job. How does that effect my intention to join the Dark Brotherhood?

It does not effect it. As long as you don't kill when you are on a thieves guild quest you will be ok. I am the guildmaster of the thieves guild and a silencer in the dark brotherhood.
I think if you kill someone the theives guild don't care, unless you are on an actual quest to steal from that person - so if they tell you to steal from person A, just go kill person B instead, and you can meet the needs of both guilds.
anyone else get a bug with the mage guild quest for recomdations?
when I go down the well theres nothing there! (I know there should be a body and ring but they ARN'T THERE!) anyone know what the item numbers for those bits I need are so I can compleate this quest, or have a code to complete JUST THIS quest?
VeNT said:
anyone else get a bug with the mage guild quest for recomdations?
when I go down the well theres nothing there! (I know there should be a body and ring but they ARN'T THERE!) anyone know what the item numbers for those bits I need are so I can compleate this quest, or have a code to complete JUST THIS quest?

Worked fine for me. Try to add the ring with the console and see if it works that way.

player.additem 0002E5AC 1

^ type that ^
Is there a knack for breaking into houses without finding a guard up your rear end in about 10 seconds flat?

I'm doing a side quest which involves having to break into a persons house to find some info but everytime I've tried a guard appears no sooner as I've broken in. He is partially visible from the front door of the house but its miles away !

Have you tried doin it in the dark? Or have you tried talking to the guard I find that if you have a higher standing with people they don't follow you around as much when they've seen you.

Hope that helps.

Arena help please!

I'm an thief/marksman/sneak based guy, with some magic and blade thrown in.

I'm just going through the arena at the moment for fun and money, but I am stuck at the first gladiator fight (I believe) where it is 3 vs 1 ! The cheek of it, pff. Anywhoo, any ideas on how to win? They are all close range melee, making it very hard for me, and I go down very quickly. Tips anyone? :(
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