Electric bill since working from home

What about the time element then.... surely you get more stuff done at home and aren't in pointless meetings??

I get more done work wise because I don't have people pestering me all day! Meetings, unfortunalty still have pointless meetings.
They are probably going to close the office in future and just have one, instead of two. This is a big chunk of money saved by people WFH

Edit. I emailed the Office for Product Safety and Standards RE access to electricity meters.


Schedule 7 of the Electricity Act requires meters to be installed on consumers premises in a position determined by the electricity supplier unless it is more reasonable to place it outside those premises or in some other position. On multiple-occupancy sites it is common practice for meters to be placed in a central location to make it easier to obtain meter readings, etc.

Where access is not readily available (e.g. because the meter location is locked), we suggest consumers contact the landlord or property management company and request reasonable access, so you can take your own meter readings.

Seems fair enough. I have contacted property management to see what they say. Get a weekly reading on Wednesday then go from there with daily ones until I work out whats hooving up electric
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If its somebody else reading it for you, are you sure they read it right and read the right one, as in not a neighbours? (I've no idea how meters are set up in flats, I'm assuming just a bank of them with the house number next to them).
Yes, the property manager (consierge)
Reading tomorrow so can get proper weekly usage. The water heating times i’ve also changed.
After tomorrows reading i’ll reduce water heating times again
Results are in!
Already looking more normal after i've changed water heating timings (to not boil water for 5 hours every evening!) The heater reset 2 or 3 months ago which set default timings but think the previous owners must have changed the defaults initially.

The previous 2 months were also under estimated, leading to (incorrect) higher use this past month

1 week usage from 24/06 - 01/07

Day @15.09p - 89kwh - £13.43
Night @8.24p - 19kwh - £1.56
£15/week (£65/month)

That's not including the standing charge or VAT.

Water heating timings are currently set to 05:00-06:30 and 17:00-18:00.
When Bulb let me know the day and night rate times I might just heat before day rates kick in

edit, we have been doing nothing differently this week. Both WFH still, same sort of time in showers etc.
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@Guest2 while I doubt you're looking to switch, i've been with Bulb for sometime but https://www.avroenergy.co.uk/ have come in a good chunk cheaper and might be worth checking out. My gas/elec for the year with Bulb is £1523, the same usage with Avro is £1293. My E7 usage is around 11%.

@HungryHippos watch out with OTM, their customer service is woeful.

Thanks, worth noting but my electric usage (all electric, no gas) should be something like £830/year, probably less. I exect it was only so high because of the stupid water heater timings.

I've now changed it to it heats up 04:00 - 07:00 & 17:00 - 17:10

Night rate is 00:15 - 07:15 on my meter type / tariff. So far we have hot water in the evening. Yet to run things like the dishwasher and washing machine midday to see if there is still water in the evening so need to check that
Variable price tariff; 2.1x wholesale price (IIRC). Wholesale prices are a fraction of what they were six months ago, due to seasonal variance, plus Covid, plus the ever growing amount of renewables on the grid, plus all of the wind we've been having :p

My bill is roughly half of what it would be on Bulb's Vari-Fair tariff.

Who's your supplier, the lamp post outside your house? :p:)
Always the same.

Base price is 2.1x the wholesale price (plus VAT). Between 4pm and 7pm there's an additional 12p per kWh levvy, with a 35p per kWh (inc VAT) cap.
35p kwh cap, so prices do change day to day?
Any standing charge snd are those orices you listed with or without VAT?
Electric. Gas is with another company and that was a similar amount too. 2 bed terrace, just me but on furlough so at home all day. Combi boiler, no heating on since early May.

So not electric only (if your gas is with another company)
2 people use more electric that one. Bills were lower when I was living alone but had redular visitors like girlfriend and friends/family.
Heating, (electric radiators) we havent had it on since about May either but the chunk of the money will be electric heating water

I presume you have been heating water with gas?

Years ago in a student house, British gas cut us off so we just didnt use any gas for 6 months (May - October I think) No hot water but the cooker was electric and we used an electric fan heater. October cold showers were a 'fresh' wake up!
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