What about the time element then.... surely you get more stuff done at home and aren't in pointless meetings??
I get more done work wise because I don't have people pestering me all day! Meetings, unfortunalty still have pointless meetings.
They are probably going to close the office in future and just have one, instead of two. This is a big chunk of money saved by people WFH
Edit. I emailed the Office for Product Safety and Standards RE access to electricity meters.
Schedule 7 of the Electricity Act requires meters to be installed on consumers premises in a position determined by the electricity supplier unless it is more reasonable to place it outside those premises or in some other position. On multiple-occupancy sites it is common practice for meters to be placed in a central location to make it easier to obtain meter readings, etc.
Where access is not readily available (e.g. because the meter location is locked), we suggest consumers contact the landlord or property management company and request reasonable access, so you can take your own meter readings.
Seems fair enough. I have contacted property management to see what they say. Get a weekly reading on Wednesday then go from there with daily ones until I work out whats hooving up electric
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