Yes, this is true. I had overlooked this fact, OP this is your first port of call.Clinkz said:Yah know he could just tighten the screw on the back to create more tension. Ive gone up to 13s before and never had to 'buy more springs'
I think that anyone who tells you the guitar is something you can just pick up and play is lying. It requires a tremendous amount of skill to master the instrument. I have hit a level where I can not progress because it would affect my education and social life, but I have hit a standard where I am comfortable with my ability. Playing has never, ever seemed like a chore.I have heard some very simple but cool sounding riffs and im trying to get my picking fast enough to be able to do some metal style "machine gunning" but i dont know. im just really put of with my guitar nowerdays. i know it takes time but im litteraly making no progress. like NONE at all.. i honestly thing ive pushed my carppy fingers has hard as they will go and i just cant get any better
You mention you have been playing 4/5 months. I still couldn't play a barre chord at this point, I hadn't even thought about theory, and I thought Wes Borland was undoubtedly the most awesome guitarist in the world. After some considerable effort I could almost play the main theme of 'Summer of '69' and I couldn't even understand how anyone would begin to attempt to play the start of 'Sweet Child of Mine'.
6/7 years later of attempting to play songs, things are starting to come together. I can strum along to Summer of 69 like a pro. I can play that sweet child of mine intro and, hell, I can do some pretty decent vibrato too. However I still can't do the really widdly bit in the Sweet Child solo.
Do you think you are perhaps expecting a bit much too soon?