ELEX - Anyone interested ??

27 May 2007
Front of the monitor

Saw this game being mentioned on another forum and it looks pretty interesting. Here is a bit info from the wiki about it.

ELEX (Eclectic, Lavish, Exhilarating, Xenial) is an upcoming science fantasy themed action role-playing video game developed by Piranha Bytes and published by THQ Nordic for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows.[2] The publisher has described the game as "edgy, dark, uncompromising, and complex",[3] and it was featured as a cover story in the German magazine GameStar.[4] Players join the war for a powerful resource, "ELEX", which gives people great magic-like powers, and is a factor in deciding whether emotion and humaneness or cold synthetic logic will rule the world of Magalan. The game world will be a mix of futuristic and medieval locations, in which players can use guns, swords and magic against enemies. It is full of original characters and mutated creatures.[5] The game will also feature a jet pack which can be used for the exploration of the game's environment.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ELEX

It is 10% discount on both GOG and Steam, although not being released until the 17th of October and at 45 Euro so personally I be ewaiting but it does look interesting. Bit like a modernized Skyrim, if looking at the 2nd trailer. :p

Added some videos from other posters and other useful information, hopefully ! :p

Here is CoohCarnage views on the game after having played it for aruond 8 hours. It is actually made in the middle of his play through stream.

Also, if you need to find certain items/NPC's here is two useful maps I found.

ELEX Wolrd Map | Magalan Map - This map is divided into sections as you'll see, also lists quests from NPC's.

Elex World Map / Magalan - this one is rather useful, if you looking for a specific item or NPC, then just click on the marker next to the item/NPC and it shows on the map.

A few more useful tips that I discovered, but putting them in spoiler incase you want to find out yourself.

When you coming to Goliet, there is a trader called Alrik there, he also a Crafting Trainer. He has a pair of sunglasses that he sells, their descriptions is **Temporarily makes living things easier to see.** (people and animals, not mutants though) and plants. If you want to be a honest person (or buy them for 2500 Elexit :eek: :p ), you can find them out in the wilderness as well, but if you want to be sneaky you can do this:

Pick the Pickpocket Skill (From Alrik actually. :p ), then sleep to midnight, walk back to his house and then sneak in, carefully. He sleeping just around the corner from the door. Then pick pocket him of the glasses. I found them very helpful since you see animals and humans before you enter their attack range, most of the time.

In regards to the pickpocket skill, later there is some quests that actually require it anyway, if you want to do all quests in the game that is.

Before doing to much exploring, return to the place where you first started, take the lift back up (it didn't work for me straight after I got the jet pack but did once I returned later). Then use the jet pack and go up on the top floor and pick all the loot there. Also, if you walk back to where you found the broken drone, walk past the fence to the left and jump up a couple walls. Their is a low level monster there so be a fight, then pick up the amulet, which gives you Lockpicking +1 and Armor +5. (Might want to wait a couple levels though, or if you find a companion, since the damage one doing at start is pretty poor.)

Also, jump down into the Pit once you find out about it. There is a pretty good tool down there to be used to mine stuff with.

Some tips I can remember from my playthrough:

If you stand outside the Domed City and look north, you'll see a broken wind turbine. If you jetpack up the platforms to the very top, you can find some sunglasses that highlight items in the world.. IMO, these are far more useful than the ones that highlight enemies.

Adding a screen shoot of the sunglass location to make it a bit easier.


On top of the North Abessa converter you can find The Redeemer. This is the best plasma rifle in the game (requires 65 int and dex). It's so OP it actually feels a bit broken. You can stunlock almost anything with the splash damage setting (but note that on this rifle at present the ammo icons are bugged, so the EMP blast is actually the splash damage setting, and vice versa)

The ending is dependent on your cold level. You need <20 cold for the "good" ending, 20-60 (I think) for the "fairly good" ending, and higher will lock you into the "bad" ending. But there are so many emotional dialogue options you should have no trouble staying emotional even if you chug down elex drinks. Remember that "cold" does not equal "evil", though - it means logical and unemotional. Some "emotional" choices are ostensibly quite "evil" (such as threatening someone or expressing an angry reaction in general).

If you care about the Domed City not being destroyed by the albs, make sure to side with the clerics and beserkers. If you side with the outlaws and separatists in the weapon and forcefield quests (possibly a few others too) the albs will destory the city.
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I am interested in it, but I just cant make my mind up on the game. I've watched a lot of videos of it over the last 2 weeks and I think its got potential, then I see something that I think is great, then I see something that I think is terrible. Might well be a very marmite title. Cohh will be streaming it when he completes South Park 2 so I'm waiting to watch his stream of Elex before making a decision on whether to buy.
Thanks for that tidbit, I be keeping an eye on his videos and have a look as well once Cohh played it and see if I be buying it as well or not. :cool:
For those of you that bought it, how do you finding the game to be ? The exploration and your skill building especially ? The more I see from Cohh's play through I fell I want to go and buy it but want to finish the Dishonored series first so trying my best to not buy it yet. :o Did just recently found out this little bit that I found nice.
Meeting a certain group gives you a player home and the ability to upgrade it as well, looks pretty neat. :p
OK that spoiler gave me a nudge towards buying it for that alone. Have to more careful with cash for a bit though.
Sorry about that but yeah, it is a sweet little thing they added, although it be costly to upgrade things. :p
CohCarnage is such a damn good guy, love his videos even when he is terrible at games :)

Elex sounds so good, but I cannot justify it with my backlog :(

But maybe they will patch it and improve it further anyway before I delve into it.
Yes, I am hoping the same, although I not seen any major things to be patched (what I seen so far I can live with myself).

Personally I probably wait until it is around £30 or so, unless the games I want to finish is done before hand then I probably buy the game no matter the price. :p
This is pretty hilarious but I am watching Cohh playing it right now and seems like the publishing company of ELEX, THQ NOrdic, is actually watching the stream as well. He was mentioning about a few bugs and 4 minutes later had a tweet from them about it ! :eek: :p


Also, as I been watching the stream one of his followers posted a link showing the locations for somehting rather cool, have added that in a spoiler incase some don't want to know about it so up to you. :p

@CohhCarnage for the sunglasses I mentioned earlier go to this location and go ontop of the windmill
These sunglasses when used showing where all the loot is, not chest and boxes but lose stuff like Bolts, Scrap etc.

Yeah Cohh has quite the developer following, the Pantheon devs regularly stream with him and the devs of Divinity Original Sin 2 gave him a shout out in regards of how much they appreciated his coverage of Divinity.
I wasn't aware of it so was surprised but also rather interesting to find out. Only seen his recorded streams or Prey and Dishonored 1 and 2.

Never played a PB game before but enjoying this, quite a shock having to randomly figure out what I need to do but enjoying the challenge. Died a fair bit :p
Cohh has played 30+ hours and died 137 times on the hardest difficulty so yeah, something to look forward to I guess ! :p LOL
Finally got around to buy the game and now played some hours. Got to Goilet and been exploring the town, there is tons with stuff to grab, especially the upper levels of the hotel that are unreachable without the jetpack. Bit miffed with the creators though, putting a lvl 3 chest up there, which I have to remember for later if I wanna loot it ! :p

Have the amulet for lock picking +1 but still need two more and have no skill points for the moment, only at level 3 as well. LOL ... Unless there is some potions you can make and get extra +1 for a limited time period ??

Anyway, enjoying the game so far so will see how far I get with it. :cool:
I've been playing this for a few days. Best looking running away simulator I've ever played!
LOL ! Yeah, at the beginning there is a bit of running away from mobs, got to agree about that. It's nice though when you can lure different kind of mods against each other and they sort it out among themself though. :p I played 28 hours and just got to level 9. Lots of reloading though (dying in one hit attacks and such) but now got a companion with me so things a bit better all around.
One of the best games and one of the hardest games I have ever played.

I literally had to cheat to make the game enjoyable, but once I did it was my top most favorite game of 2017.
Cheat ? You mean make Elex potions and get extra Attribute/Skill points ?? Wouldn't call that cheating if that's the case since it is a feature in the game. :p

The game just "trolled" me though. Leveled up to 13 earlier and couldn't decided between 2 Skills so thought I make a Large Elex Drink and get an extra +1 Skill point to use. Went and used the 2 points, then headed out towards a quest. On the way there, about 20 minutes later, I found my first Large Elex Drink ! :eek: :mad: :p

Level 19 now, and really enjoying this game. I've liked every PB game since I played Gothic 3, though, tbh - even the cheesy Risen piratey ones.
I just got to level 14, I'm reloading to much I think. :o Steam saying 62 hours but ingame time on saves puts me at 47 hours. :eek: Although the Abessa Conflict was making me a bit confused when I got the notice and headed there, but after running around in circles and then checking online seems to be a slight bug with it overall.

The world is huge and it always feels like there're interesting things to discover, and danger lurking everywhere.
I love the world, finding loads of interesting things. Thought the Old Coins was rare since only found them a few here and there, then opening a safe and finding 20 (think it was 20, was double digits anyway) at once, doubling my inventory. :eek: :p

I can take on most enemies on the map now given a cautious approach, but I can still be two-shotted by 75% of the enemies left alive and they do like to zerg unexpectedly. It's still tense. There're loads of quests, and not many of them feel like the dull fetch quests that let a lot of open world RPGs down. There is almost always some interesting character interaction, and a variety of options for solving them. There seems a good variety of weapons too (though the variety of armour is a bit lacklustre).

It's really time PB updated their rosta of enemies, though. I've been fighting these same psychotic emu type birds, mutated boar creatures and giant trolls for four games now, guys!
Yeah the beginning wasn't to fun, but once I was able to up my attributes, with the help of amulet and then a ring with +5 Strength and +5 Dexterity, which made it possible to use a higher damage sword (Energy Regent Sword I, damage 47) so things looking up. Also found 2 Laser weapons, that does similar damage as the sword. But recently found a War Bow that does +15 more damage ! :eek: Game sure loves to throw curves ehh.. lol

Right now at level 14 my attributes are Strength 40 - Constitution 30 - Dexterity 48 - Intelligence 56 - Cunning 31.. Not used the points from the recent level up yet either.. Been using some Attributes drinks as well (Was to inpatient to get level 3 of Animal Trophies hence Int so high, ohh and 1 extra on it due to had a Legendary Laser that I could use if 56), but just lowered my cold to Intuitive which surprised me. :p

Have not decided which faction yet, but leaning towards Clerics since prefer distance fighting if possible. Will see. :cool:
I don't think they're at all important. I was hanging on them too (and a load of soft toilet paper!), and then found what their purpose is and, meh...
Have no clue what they are for, just keeping them because they seemed to be rare and said "old".. Might google and find out though.. :cool:

Yeah, your power certainly does plateau and then suddenly jump up several notches.
It does indeed, just got weapon smith and upgraded my plasma rifle so now it does same damage as the bow.. :p

Man, I keep finding myself thinking about this game even when I'm not playing it! A bit addicted! :)
Same here, working as a tram driver so the mind moves back to the game on occasions and thinking what should I do next etc.. :o

And in regards to that, was on my way to Valley of the Damned and one of the guys that has a contract on Ray was standing there so talked with him. Before talking with him Ray respected me, after the talk and we got the contract back, he just "Like me".. no matter if I paid for the contract (which increased my cold for some reason), or if I killed him.. Ray went from respecting me to liking.. which seems a bit odd.. :confused:

Also, loving the glasses I pickpocket from Alrik at the beginning, although I realizing it making my walks take twice the time they should (or more !) because I see a plant over there and grab it,then there is another just a few steps further away.. and suddenly I am twice as far away from the target because the "plant trail" lead me in the wrong way ! :eek: :p :D

Finally have a question. In regards to the quest Hunting Loss, when you have to find a bow that is guarded by two forlorn's. Did you give it back to Lennart for 800xp, or to Geron, for no exp but it would be "moraly" right since the apprentice wont learn anything if we find and return his bow.. yes I know, it is a game but still can't decided if doing the right thing or go for the exp.. :o :p
It didn't even occur to me to try to give it to Geron, to be honest. Lennart asked me for it, I felt sorry for him and went a got it for him (I legged it from the forlorn, of course...)
I got the quest from him as well. After I got the bow and ran away, I come back from the backside of their location and talked with Geron first, wanted to see what I could put my spare point into and then saw the comment about me having Lennarts bow.. so curiosity took the better of me and I clicked it.. :p

Yeah, the melee combat aminations (and some of the general movement animations, like climbing) are truly dreaful for a 2017 game (in true PB style). It still has the old PB staples of ridiculous stunlocking, delayed responses, janky hitboxes, etc. I gave up on melee totally once I got a bow and then a rifle and just treat it now as a sci-fi/fantasy RPG shooter, which is fine.

The real star of the game is the world. It's a weird clash of styles, totally cliched in places, badly written in others, the textures are far from 2018 AAA standard, but like most PB games, it just works to suck you in. It genuinely feels hand-crafted and interesting. There are some great locations and structures, and each feels like it's got a place in the world, down to the objects and people you find there. The quests are nice too. There's not really much variation, but it does a great job of making it feel like there is, with different dialogue options and the ocasisonal real surprise to be gained from them. Although I probably have been fetching and carrying for lots of quests, it doesn't feel like that, and I can't remember any "go and find me x number of this plant" type quests that plague so many RPGs.

The jetpack adds some nice exploration too. Yesterday I had a "hmmm, I wonder what's up there/if I can get up there" moment, and found a 100 damage plasma rifle that only needs 65 dex and int to wield. It turned me into a super-soldier in a few seconds :)

And this morning, I thought I'd just finish up a mission I was working on before getting down to some jobs around the house. So I grabbed the quest objective... and then saw a huge industrial type structure on the horizon. So, okay, I'll just go and see what it is... over an hour later I'd scoured every inch of it (it was pretty huge), killed a few named bandits, found some loot, and had completely lost track of what I was supposed to be doing in the real world:

Oh, but did I mention how it's a typical PB game in many ways?:

Yeah, got to say I really love the world of it, although it is as you said lacking things from being a proper AAA game but then again, as long as it is fun I am all for it and ELEX is still fun for me. If compared with AC: Origin, which I also like I actually prefer ELEX over it, finiding it more fun to explore.

I hope I stumble upon that plasma rifle one day, my dex and int is way to low for the moment to use it anyway so maybe later if I am lucky ! :p

Have a question for anyone: Is it possible to buy Strong Mental Energy Reserve from someone ?? Going to jump to The Dome and see if the wandering merchant around there has some (Edit: He didn't sell any :( ). Was more wondering if the Clerics shops have them, since that's the only major city I not entered yet ?? Just need to upgrade a laser weapon, so thought I buy those if possible, or is it just possible to get them by finding them in the world somewhere ?? (I know they can be made if you join Cleric's, but not dcided 100% yet which faction to join)
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Just finished it on my last day off work! A game full of flaws (most of which you'd imagine could be easily patched), but just so enjoyable and absorbing. Despite its less polished elements I think I had more fun with this than any other game over the past year.

I know you can buy energy reserves in Hort, but I was a cleric so I'm not sure if they sell to other factions or not. I'm pretty sure I just found the recipe out in the wild somewhere, though. Do you need to be a cleric to craft them?

(Join clerics! Black hole, the stun-lock skill, pew-pew rifles... it's the win! :) )

EDIT: Just reloaded an earlier save from before I joined the clerics, and at that time neither Siegfried nor Balder (who do sell them after joining) would sell me a strong energy reserve. So it looks like you might need to join clerics to make them available for sale, or find the recipe somewhere (I have no idea where I found the recipe now, though).
Yeah I have the recipe already but can't use it since it says "Cleric 0/1" on it. So once I join them I can make them. Was just hoping that you actually could buy them without being in the faction. Seems if one want to be in other faction but wanting a upgraded pew-pew rifle you need to be concentrate on one of them since those strong energy reserves seems to be in limited supply in the world. :p

I do appreciuat you loading a previous save and checking though, much appreciated ! And congratz to finishing the game, I just found Origin this morning. :eek: :p
EDIT: Just reloaded an earlier save from before I joined the clerics, and at that time neither Siegfried nor Balder (who do sell them after joining) would sell me a strong energy reserve. So it looks like you might need to join clerics to make them available for sale, or find the recipe somewhere (I have no idea where I found the recipe now, though).
I been running around in Ignadon now, finally went there. Found a seller called Ferdinand, he actually had 4 of the Strong Energy Reserve, unfortunately they did not be readded as some merchandises are. At least I am only 2 short now. :p Got to say bit surprised only find a few energy reserve in there that could be looted, well 1 actually, a normal one in the cafeteria. Had hoped for a few more. :o Did find a very nice flamthrower (The Furnace) though, problem is I can't use it yet though. :(
Ah, I don't even remember Ferdinand. He wasn't on my usual loop of Balder-Armor Master-Siegfried in the Hort I guess.
No, he is a bit out of the way. If you remember going to their mine to talk with the berserker there (or kill him) the shop Ferdinand has is next to it. Unfortunately they wont respawn in his inventory though. :(

The Furnace saw me through to chapter three I think, before I sunk all my resources into upgrading a flamethrower type A. It's a good weapon.

Are you making elex drinks to up your stats, btw? It's really challenging to get a nice usable arsenal before the end-game without them, I think.
Yeah had to buy the Type A one (since can't use The Furnance yet due to to low Attributes. :p ), and have upgraded it as well.

Yes, I been chucking a few Elex drinks, 2 for Abilities Points and a bunch for extra +2 points towards Attributes points. Think when doing a second run I try not to use them though, if I can keep my patience that is. :o :p

I'm missing this game now. It could have been a bit longer, actually. It only took me 49 hours (level 42 at the end), and that was with a whole lot of exploring and doing every side-quest/companion quest I could find. Kind of short for a big open-world game, and the side-quests do unfortunately peter out later on, leaving not much to do other than gather resources if you need them and barrel straight through the main story. I want more! (Though it's probably good I'm done with it really as I am back at work today so need to focus! :) )
I heard that after you done the last big fight, there is a bit more running around to do ?? Take it you done all that too ?
I chugged a couple of hundred easily, and still ended the game "purely emotional" :)
Ahhh ok, that's good to know. Although right now I have like 30 Attributes points and not sure where to put them. :o

Well, not so much running around as teleporting to places and speaking to people. That last bit only took me five minutes.
Ohh and here I was hoping it would be a tad more then that. lol

Hope there's a substantual DLC at some point. If not, well, at least Elex 2 seems to have been confirmed...
What I heard there wont be a DLC, but ELEX 2 is in the works yes. Although seems someone called NexTheReal over at reddit has uncovered something :p
Basically I was recently modding Elex and I enabled some Test events I found inside the files, and to my suprise some of these events enabled the ruins that are shown in the east of tavar but are not here, well now they are.

Link to said reddit thread

Found myself a good ring yesterday, +10 on ALL resistances and also for Parry Strength. Still need to find better weapons though, and some Strong Energy Reserves. :p
Not sure if anyone found this place but thought I ask.

Was running around and climbed a mast, found what looks like an amulet but can't pick it up. :(

That's looking at said mast. There is a dam behind me, was 2 NPC's standing at it but I didn't interact with them, looked like they were waiting for something so guessing a quest.

Map location of the place.

And here is said amulet on the ground. It's on the 3rd platform.

I moved around it, saved and reloaded but no luck. Can clearly see it but no way of picking it up. Anyone been there or if have spare time could go and have a look ? (Just asking incase it is a bug for everyone or just me) Closest Teleporter for me to there is the Camp in the Center, but might be closer ones that I not found yet.
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