Elite - 25yrs old...

OMG is it really 25 yrs, I lost hours to this game and loved every minte of it. I,ve still got my BBC model B with monitor and OPUS disc drive in my parents loft, seriously considering getting it set up, seeing if it all still works:).
Played the demo of Evochron this week and hit the purchase last night, it does appear to tick a lot of the 'elite' boxes. I plan on hitting the MP Server Babylon 5 as it sounds like you can progress through all of the SP stuff online and so have the added attraction of eal players in game. Purchase worked out at just under £15 so a very good deal imho

I remember the SARA cheat and then randomly changing the hex codes to get extra missiles or different ships.

Brilliant game! I did prefer Frontier as that had a bigger World and more ships, missions, factions, etc. Here's hoping they get a move on and make a new one!

I too remember Elite. I only ever played it a few times but had Frontier on my Amiga 4000/40... It ran like a dream when I played it from a Ram drive:D

I would love a new Elite game like many of you here.

My wish list:

  • Updated visuals (obviously)
  • Keep the same Galaxy as we had in Frontier (as our main home Galaxy) but have lots more based on what we know about them today
  • More Fractions.
  • The ability to walk around cities on planets, docking stations on planets and in space. Meet other people playing the game. Forge alliances etc.
  • More varied missions. Single player maybe or better still multiplayer.
  • Keep the controls simple like the originals.
  • Keep the economics simple too. Dont make them too detailed with Tax, reccession etc.
  • More ships, weapons.
  • The ability to space walk to fix your ship, walk on floating rocks to set up mining, bombs ect for missions.
There are probably better things to add but these are only a few of what I would ike to see in a new version. As much as people hate WoW it still is an immersive and simple game and could quite easily be used as a platform to build on to make this game great.. with out the grinding as much...
Played the demo of Evochron this week and hit the purchase last night, it does appear to tick a lot of the 'elite' boxes. I plan on hitting the MP Server Babylon 5 as it sounds like you can progress through all of the SP stuff online and so have the added attraction of eal players in game. Purchase worked out at just under £15 so a very good deal imho


Interesting... Would be interested in what you think after a week of playing it...
Elite was simply the best.
I can recall being 17 years old, I had just bought elite for my c64 and my parents were going to germany to visit my brother for few days.
I skipped work whilst they were away and played elite for 48 hours solid.
A few months later I had the screen flash and the golden logo appear! I was Elite.
Can any of you recall the poo scarey noise that happend if you got hit with no sheilds, gah used to freak me out.
Also how swift the krait was, and how utter crap the mamba was, a few hits and it blew.
I always wanted the ferdelance (spelling)
I only played X2 and it didn't really appeal for some reason - can't now remember why. So if any other X players are trying it that would be useful. The demo will also give you a good idea - the 90 mins play is unrestricted
I got Elite for my BeeB on the day it came out - some shop in Covent Garden.

Truely special game.

The one thing that stays with me is I was about to enter a station having JUST got my precious docking computer and my ship collided with another ship leaving!!!!

Had to start the grind again - BOY did I swear!
On a side note, I remember buying an Atari 400 just for "Caesar" [ I think it was called ].

A realtime game of fighting the various Gallic tribes using terrain etc.

The units were Swords!
Anyone remember Starship Command? While not in the same league as Elite, it was still a cut above the rest... :)


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