Elon Musk goes to court . . .

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12 Feb 2006
In what world is it acceptable to call this chap by that name, now?

Is it because he's middle aged and white, and therefore not a protected minority, so fair game?

If he was black and musk had called him a "pedo black guy", there would be complete melt-down right now.

PS I'm sure you'd love it if Musk called you a pedo, yeah? You'd probably be thrilled that the Messiah had acknowledged your existence.
In what world is it acceptable for unsworth to publicly shame Elon for trying to help? Literally no words were said between the 2, and unsworth shames Elon publicly like that. I know I'd be extremely peeved off if I had spent money sending something to help, and rather than just getting "thanks for the help but unfortunately it won't work given x y and z", I got a public on the news "this guy just wants publicity, he doesn't really want to help" etc.
Man of Honour
15 Jan 2006
Tosche Station
Good. It would have been very easy for Elon to brush it off with a settlement payout, a relative drop in the ocean of his fortune. They were both morally out of order, the "pedo guy" shouldn't have given it if he couldn't take it, and Elon's only crime was reacting in a way that could have (probably has) had consequences for those under his employ. Both should definitely have known better, but in context I can see why both remarks were made by both sides. I expect Musk won't ask him to foot the bill for the legal costs.

Also, just actually LOL at the "his main expertise is publicity" crowd, good one :D. His main expertise is his entrepreneurial vision and insane levels of conscientiousness.



16 Aug 2019
Good. It would have been very easy for Elon to brush it off with a settlement payout, a relative drop in the ocean of his fortune. They were both morally out of order, the "pedo guy" shouldn't have given it if he couldn't take it, and Elon's only crime was reacting in a way that could have (probably has) had consequences for those under his employ. Both should definitely have known better, but in context I can see why both remarks were made by both sides. I expect Musk won't ask him to foot the bill for the legal costs.

Also, just actually LOL at the "his main expertise is publicity" crowd, good one :D. His main expertise is his entrepreneurial vision and insane levels of conscientiousness.

Good post.
23 Aug 2005
I'm an Elon fan but you can't call someone a pedo from such a lofty position and get away with it. He'll be asked to pay some compensation to the guy and/or forced to say sorry.
12 Feb 2006
Before Elon said anything he was told to stick his sub up his ass. I don't have much sympathy for him

This guys reputation is in taters now due to how he's since dealt with this.

He's part of an operation to save kids.

A billionaire freely offers to help.

This guy publicly shames the billionaire.

He then tries to sues, not for a respected amount but for 190 million dollars!
29 Jan 2008
The whole thing was a pointless waste of time tbh... diver guy insults Elon after he offered help, Elon lashes out in return and insults the diver... then deletes the tweet and apologies. That should have been the end of it... instead it wasn't law suit starts, Elon investigates whether guy is actually a "pedo guy" (might as well check now), guy wants 5 million actually damages + 35 million + 150 million in punitive damages... get a grip.

I do wonder if any out of court cash payment was offered and for how much? In retrospect "pedo guy" could be kicking himself if he otherwise stool to get a million or so to just go away.
17 Feb 2006

This guys reputation is in taters now due to how he's since dealt with this.

He's part of an operation to save kids.

A billionaire freely offers to help.

This guy publicly shames the billionaire.

He then tries to sues, not for a respected amount but for 190 million dollars!
The trouble is with Musk, you can't make any criticism of the guy without his legion of followers rushing to his defence.

It really is pointless even to volunteer valid criticism of the bloke. Too many people have their heads fully up his backside.
3 Jun 2005
The South
The trouble is with Musk, you can't make any criticism of the guy without his legion of followers rushing to his defence.

It really is pointless even to volunteer valid criticism of the bloke. Too many people have their heads fully up his backside.

I think you'll find the majority of the participants in this thread aren't condoning Musk's retaliation and calling him what he is, a *******.

However, the fact remains Unsworth isn't squeeky clean in all of this and bottom line, he instigated it - if he didn't say what he did then none of this would have happened.

As has been mentioned, both sides are at fault and as Dowie said, the whole thing had been a complete waste of time.

I'm still rowing in the same place, thanks - his primary expertise is in publicity, not engineering.

You're making yourself look silly now.
Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
He's literally as knowledgeable an engineer as you're likely to meet, but if it makes you feel good then you can just think he's just the bloke who arranges the product unveilings and the "real" engineers at Tesla and SpaceX just humour him. Delusional.

If it makes you feel good you can just think anything you like. But don't ascribe it to me. Your words are yours, not mine. Whatever engineering work he might do in his spare time doesn't stop the fact that his primary expertise is publicity.

He's not the messiah. He's a very naughty boy.

Does it work like that in the US? It all depends on what the Judged ruled with regards to costs no? I know in the UK they changed the system so the loser doesn't pay the winners legal fees. I think the US you only pay for own fees.

Yeah that just sounds greedy. Surely $250-500,000 would have done it.

I agree. Some harm was done, so some degree of compensation was deserved. But not $190M. Not anywhere near $190M. Although where did that number come from?

Yeah, Elon deserved to lose this one, and his defence seemed to be guff too. Oh well, no big deal, I think.

Unless the reporting of the defence is completely fictional, the defence was a lie. It wasn't a joke and he didn't apologise afterwards. Quite the opposite - he repeated the accusation.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
I agree. Some harm was done, so some degree of compensation was deserved. But not $190M. Not anywhere near $190M. Although where did that number come from?

I think this is what harmed them along with focusing on the emotional side - a more reasonable sum and sticking to the facts and they'd have probably got a judgement in their favour. But apparently they went in strong about how Elon had ruined his life with a big sob story and it didn't go down well.
Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
The whole thing was a pointless waste of time tbh... diver guy insults Elon after he offered help, Elon lashes out in return and insults the diver... then deletes the tweet and apologies. That should have been the end of it... instead it wasn't law suit starts, Elon investigates whether guy is actually a "pedo guy" (might as well check now), guy wants 5 million actually damages + 35 million + 150 million in punitive damages... get a grip.

I do wonder if any out of court cash payment was offered and for how much? In retrospect "pedo guy" could be kicking himself if he otherwise stool to get a million or so to just go away.

Elon Musk continued to repeat the accusation. The "apology" was obviously fake. Musk also publically stated that if Unsworth didn't sue he must be guilty, so it was Musk who effectively started the lawsuit.
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