Emojicons for your UK iPhone without jailbreaking

#1. Get this $0.99 app called frostyplace from the iTunes store
#2. Play with the app for a minute to activate, click on a story, etc
#3. Go into you settings -> General > International > Keyboards > Japanese
#4. Click the Emoji option to on!
#5. Text anyone with an iPhone and they’ll get your icons!

I am on step 4, can't see the option, only QWERTY and KANA ?
I am on step 4, can't see the option, only QWERTY and KANA ?

Are you on firmware 2.2.1 ?

If so, did you see this? Look at the bit which isn't ringed.

The app is now updated and totally works!

I shall report back on the emojis being sent to fellow iphone users when sending text and e-mail once I contact Mrs Dym tomorrow :)
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