Employee Benefits WFH

ai if they haven't taken it.
Employers can assign and require their employees to take annual leave though, the whole idea of allowing carry over is so they don't have their full workforce trying to squeeze 10 months of holiday allowance into 3 or 4 months, leaving them understaffed constantly.
You can all claim tax relief for working from home up to £26.00 per month without submitting any records. I assume both parties can do this (husband / wife)


Working at home

You may be able to claim tax relief for some of the bills you have to pay because you have to work at home on a regular basis. You cannot claim tax relief if you choose to work from home.

You can only claim for things to do with your work, for example, business telephone calls or the extra cost of gas and electricity for your work area.

You cannot claim for things that you use for both private and business use, for example, rent or broadband access.

From 6 April 2020 your employer can pay you up to £6 a week (£26 a month) to cover your additional costs if you have to work from home. For previous tax years the rate is £4 a week (£18 a month).

You will not need to keep any records.
Not sure why people are giving the OP a hard time?

Sure, he's lucky to still have a job etc. but at the same time, if certain benefits are part of his remuneration package (e.g. free gym/pool at the office, free/subsidised lunch at the cafeteria etc.) then losing those due to working from home is effectively the same as a pay cut. Sure they aren't huge amounts, but at the same time not insignificant (what's a gym membership these days? £30/month? lunch at ~£20/week, so potentially £100-150/month down).

Not everyone is saving money on not having to commute (my electric bill is now higher than when I was driving to work every day).
Gyms weren't open anyway though.

Unless your commute was a mile on foot, I don't see how your electricity bill can go up that much to be honest.

My commute was only 20 miles a day (in total) but 100 miles worth of petrol a week is over £15.
Gyms weren't open anyway though.

Unless your commute was a mile on foot, I don't see how your electricity bill can go up that much to be honest.

My commute was only 20 miles a day (in total) but 100 miles worth of petrol a week is over £15.

The gym not being open isn't really relevant, it's still £30/month that the employee is potentially losing out on, maybe they've had to order some home exercise equipment to make up for it? (sure they might never have used the gym while they were in the office, but equally, it might have been the reason they took this particular job over another one).

24 mile round trip to work and back @ 3.8kw/mile = ~6.3kw/day @ 4.5p/kw = ~28p/day or ~£6/month rounded up (based on 20 working days/month)
PC running 8hrs/day @ ~450w = ~3.6kw @ 13.7p/kw = ~49p/day or ~£10/month rounded up

So £4/month higher WFH - yeah, it's not exactly a massive increase and it doesn't really bother me, but it's far from the 3 figure savings some people are suggesting!
Oh no can't go to the gym, cos they're all shut - perhaps they should pay for a home gym for you?

I think I'd be grateful I still had a job

Perspective needed me thinks

Yep definitely.

There was someone posting over on the MSE forums recently asking how much he could basically bill his employer for WFH, as he claims his electric costs have gone up £20/mth and he had to upgrade his broadband. It turns out he's got his family at home during the day (wife furloughed) and has 2 PCs on all day, so seems to think he can try and get his employer to contribute to his electric costs because his family are at home and using more electricity.
We had a "Teams" practice wide briefing at the beginning of lockdown and at least three people asked the same thing (utility costs) - some people !!

It was offered that surely the commute time / cost more than outweighed this additional cost but some still harped on about it - Jesus ......

To be fair our company has been very good and will contribute to a faster internet connection if needed as well as any measures to make the home working environment in line with DSE risk assessment.

As with most things in life a measured view and some perspective on the situation often does wonders
... The gym not being open isn't really relevant, it's still £30/month that the employee is potentially losing out on,... it might have been the reason they took this particular job over another one)...

I don't think that anyone changes job simply to take advantage of a £30 /month gym benefit.
I don't think that anyone changes job simply to take advantage of a £30 /month gym benefit.

That's not what I said.

If you're job searching, weighing up 2 similar offers and one has a free on-site gym saving you £30/month (plus convenience) and one doesn't, then that's obviously going to factor into your decision.

Besides, my point wasn't about gym access specifically, and you're ignoring the fact it was used as just an example of the sort of indirectly financial benefits that a company could provide, which are no longer offered due to WFH.
Expecting additional benefits is (in most cases) pretty entitled IMO. Most people will save more on transport costs than they'll spend on heating/electric, especially during the summer. Continuing to have a paying job is also under-rated (although I'd exchange a few months off for 80% pay in a heartbeat, but then I'm fortunate enough not to be on the bread-line to begin with).

That said, some employers will offer them to retain or attract talent. My employer has had 3 additional company-wide holiday days, on designated dates, this year so far. I believe there's also a $250 allowance per employee for gear needed for WFH, such as a new chair. Gym allowance was already pretty decent/flexible, such that I've got a new set of weights on company expenses instead of of an actual gym allowance.
Please explain the relevance to this thread.

Its a loose relevance admittedly, I was given it as a reward for the work done throughout lockdown, so its my employee benefit for wfh during lockdown. Lose and tenuous a relevance maybe but not going to spoil my happiness today :)
Its a loose relevance admittedly, I was given it as a reward for the work done throughout lockdown, so its my employee benefit for wfh during lockdown. Lose and tenuous a relevance maybe but not going to spoil my happiness today :)

How dare you be happy!!
Pre-COVID - "this job is great, I can work from home whenever I want, what a fantastic benefit!"
Post-COVID - "what should my employer be compensating me with for having to work at home!?"
Where I work they didn't furlow a single person. So naturally all the parents stated they can't work their full hours due to child care issues, but get paid in full. Where the people with no children or family are expected to work full time and pick up the slack..... Maybe I'm a little bitter as I'm in the latter, but a bit unfair tbh.
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