After getting blanked on my 3rd request for a home mini I prodded Octopus on Twitter.
Seems the smets 1 meter I have isn't supported by the OHM, so no real time stats for me
Seemingly they are working on compatibility so have asked to be notified if they figure it out...
Demand they replace them with smets2. Don't take no for an answer and threaten ombudsman action (worked at multiple energy providers this is the only way to get things done as they are fined when a customer contact the ombudsman). Start the process by phoning, asking the question as your current system is not compatible, they will say no, open a formal complaint and start further action and threats.
They will say they are charged for removing working smart meters (assuming your smets1 is actually giving readings back to them). But it's not working fully as its not compatible with certain features (the mini). They will also drone on about the system being updated eventually and compatibility updates but that's been going on for years, it's never going to happen, smets1 meters are garbage, it was a failed roll out when they first came out.
Just have to be very stern with them
It might be a long process but they will eventually give in. You have to go through the complaint process before approaching the ombudsman, they know that so they will drag it out, do not give in.
These types of customers where so anoyying to deal with but you have rights you need to make very clear to them.
I'd just say don't be nasty to the agent it's not their fault as they are instructed to point blank say no and fob you off. Just politely ask them to sort it and start the complaint process. If needed ask for a manager and DO NOT accept a call back, it won't happen, stay on the the line and make it clear you know your rights and the conciquences if they do not comply.
Don't be surprised if you get a few hang ups, I certainly hung up customers in my time as its a real pain dealing with complaints that won't go away and we'd do anything to not have to deal with it (technical problems sorry!). Scummy yes, but call centres do things to you! I salute people who can stay in them for long periods without going crazy.
Sounds harsh but they will do anything to not replace them as they do get charged if the meters are reporting readings back
The agent you get will hate you as they will be stuck with you throughout the complaint process and it looks bad on them having complaints outstanding on their profile. Not your problem though you want the level of service other users get.
Sorry to anyone here who works at an energy company on the phones