Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

I calculated about 40 month win per month so about £240 gain on SVR over summer. (electric only, more with gas on top).

If I took the deal its benefit would from Oct onwards, taking it and exiting before then would just give me the worst side of it? As SVR seems a clear winner from April-Oct, like you said its predicting what will happen in Oct.

Also bear in mind I use very little gas. I think most of the hike in Oct will be on gas. Notice how in the figures I quoted the gas unit race skyrocketed.

Also. Yours is only a year. So the benefit is likely to be minimal.
Mine was 3 years. Which has a lot more leg y room.

It's probably 50/50. If it was 3 years. I'd say go for it. 1 year.. Much more unimportant
Also. Yours is only a year. So the benefit is likely to be minimal.
Mine was 3 years. Which has a lot more leg y room.

It's probably 50/50. If it was 3 years. I'd say go for it. 1 year.. Much more unimportant

Yeah seems we agree then, I think I said if it was 18 months or more I would take it.
Yeah seems we agree then, I think I said if it was 18 months or more I would take it.

Yes. If it spanned next winter it might be different. I don't think I'd have taken mine had it not been for 3 years. 1 year is only one unknown away.
No it's not 6500kwh at night, as I said I'm not very good at doing bill readings......

Hope this helps below

17 Mar 21 - 14 Sep 21
Previous reading Day 33800 : YOUR READ 34319 : 20.65p £107.17 : YOUR READ 519 kWh
Previous reading Night 7657 : YOUR READ 9954 : 4.61p £105.89 : YOUR READ 2297 kWh

I've just entered my meter reading and submitted it
14 Sep 21 = DAY 34319 NOW : 20th Feb 22 = 34910
14 Sep 21 = NIGHT 7657 NOW : 20th Feb 22 = 14607

Looking at that I'm probably using about 6000 - 7000 kwh a year? which includes day/night

17 March 2021 day reading 33,800, 26 February 2022 day reading 34,910 = 1,110 kWh
17 March 2021 night reading 7,657, 26 February 2022 night reading 14,607 = 6,950 kWh

8,060 kWh and nealy three weeks short of a full year.

A quote with Octopus for 1,110 kWh day and 6,950 kWh night in Kent comes out at £184.22/month.

I'll ask again:

Please post the daytime and nightime usage you gave to Octopus and the standing charge and kWh rates for the deal you've signed up for.
What unit rate did you get?

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I'll ask again:

I went through Octopus and it asked me based on usage from LOW to HIGH, Economy mode 7, Electric only and after selecting "HIGH" usage ( based on a family, 4 bedroom house ), it gave me that quote with it saying the Tariff was a limited offer.

I also selected that I may need help with bills and read outs as I'm Autistic, it gave me that option of around £80 a month. It also added £50 based on a family member using the service, AND if the bills are wrong over the months it will increase to the proper read out. It was the ONLY company that didn't double the night rate which so far every company I've looked at has.

From what i gather EON are currently the cheapest. It is for people in my area of wiltshire anyway

EON for Kent said that Standing charge was 53 and night rate was around the same, with it being around £200 a month with no Gas. Very very high
I went through Octopus and it asked me based on usage from LOW to HIGH, Economy mode 7, Electric only and after selecting "HIGH" usage ( based on a family, 4 bedroom house ), it gave me that quote with it saying the Tariff was a limited offer.

I also selected that I may need help with bills and read outs as I'm Autistic, it gave me that option of around £80 a month. It also added £50 based on a family member using the service, AND if the bills are wrong over the months it will increase to the proper read out. It was the ONLY company that didn't double the night rate which so far every company I've looked at has.

You're telling us you've got rates substantially cheaper than have been available in the market for some time and completely at odds with the quote I did very shortly after you said you switched. If I do the quote now for "high usage" in Kent it comes out at £208.27/month so it's very hard to believe less than 24 hours ago they were offering a deal at less than half that.

Please post the rates for the deal you've taken, i.e. the daily standing charge and per kWh day and night.
You're telling us you've got rates substantially cheaper than have been available in the market for some time and completely at odds with the quote I did very shortly after you said you switched. If I do the quote now for "high usage" in Kent it comes out at £208.27/month so it's very hard to believe less than 24 hours ago they were offering a deal at less than half that.

Hmm just checked maybe I did Medium, but even that's gone up to £126!

Typically, medium consumption homes:
Have around 3 bedrooms
Have 3-5 occupants
May have people home during the day

Which is more to what I use, I don't have a 4 bedroom house! - Still if my bills amounts are wrong, as Octopus has said my bills will increase. I can see me paying around £100-120 a month for Energy. And yes I'll be pulling back on any electric used for the next bill.

The unit rates and standing charge are also the lowest I've ever come across!
⚡ Electricity
Daily standing charge Question mark icon 24.12p /day
Unit rate (day) Question mark icon 41.2p /kWh
Unit rate (night) Question mark icon 23.96p /kWh
Early exit fee £0

Anyway not going to debate this anymore, wrong or rightly it's still going to be extremely high for me, especially being disabled!
The tariff is ultimately the same. It's the cap. Doesnt matter what you put down.

You are in for a shock if you use so much electricity at night. Next winter will have a new cap anyway, which will probably be higher.
Which is more to what I use, I don't have a 4 bedroom house! - Still if my bills amounts are wrong, as Octopus has said my bills will increase. I can see me paying around £100-120 a month for Energy. And yes I'll be pulling back on any electric used for the next bill.

The unit rates and standing charge are also the lowest I've ever come across!

⚡ Electricity
Daily standing charge Question mark icon 24.12p /day
Unit rate (day) Question mark icon 41.2p /kWh
Unit rate (night) Question mark icon 23.96p /kWh
Early exit fee £0

Anyway not going to debate this anymore, wrong or rightly it's still going to be extremely high for me, especially being disabled!

I'm trying to work out how you got to £70-£80/month. The only was I can see it is you selected "low usage" which comes out at £75.26/month.

Let's apply the rates you've quoted to your usage for 49 weeks.

17 March 2021 day reading 33,800, 26 February 2022 day reading 34,910 = 1,110 kWh
17 March 2021 night reading 7,657, 26 February 2022 night reading 14,607 = 6,950 kWh

365 x 24.12p = £88.04
1,110 x 41.2p = £457.32
6,950 x 23.96p = £1,665.22

Total £2,210.58 or £184.21/month, £195/month over a full 12 months.

You stuffed up.
What were being moved to on 1st April:
Electric 48.912 p/day 27.090p per kWh
Gas 27.219 p/day 7.225p per kWh

The Cheapest fix EON Next are offering:
Unit rate 27.09p per kWh
Standing charge 48.91p per day

Unit rate 7.23p per kWh
Standing charge 27.22p per day

If those figures are corect, they are offering to fix you for 1 year at the april prices. Certainly we get another rise in October. This would make it a good deal relatively, its not cheap its just better then you will get doing nothing & going into next winter. You have to decide personally but they are being nice to you on that offer afaik, so you are no worse off over summer and given a fix protecting vs future rises seems good to me tbh

EON only offer this to people already with EON last I checked ?

Only other thing I can think of is to go Octopus and they have some 'low' rates during the day if you are very careful on which hours you use it, so that needs a smart meter. I dont know that works out as cheap just seems feasible if true
If those figures are corect, they are offering to fix you for 1 year at the april prices. Certainly we get another rise in October. This would make it a good deal relatively, its not cheap its just better then you will get doing nothing & going into next winter. You have to decide personally but they are being nice to you on that offer afaik, so you are no worse off over summer and given a fix protecting vs future rises seems good to me tbh

EON only offer this to people already with EON last I checked ?

Only other thing I can think of is to go Octopus and they have some low rates during the day if you are very careful on which hours you use it, so that needs a smart meter. I dont know that works out as cheap just seems feasible if true

Given how poor my deal is from Octopus and we know they offering good smart meter deals, I wonder if those deals are been subsidised by legacy meter customers now? The 12 month deal I got offered is significantly worse than what EON is offering people.
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