Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

I'm still waiting for the perfect home energy monitor:

- live electricity usage (the more granularity the better)
- iphone integration
- Apple Watch integration
- web based integration
- no subscription fee

I almost went for the Emporia smart home energy monitor (can't fit all the clamps in the consumer unit) or the OWL Intuition-E which seems a bit old tech.
I'm still waiting for the perfect home energy monitor:

- live electricity usage (the more granularity the better)
- iphone integration
- Apple Watch integration
- web based integration
- no subscription fee

I almost went for the Emporia smart home energy monitor (can't fit all the clamps in the consumer unit) or the OWL Intuition-E which seems a bit old tech.
Use a device which integrates with Home Assistant, you should be able to do all of that with it.

Sunak expected to speak any minute now.
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: High Inflation Is Causing Acute Distress
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: We Have the Tools We Need to Combat Inflation
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: We Will Turn Moment of Difficulty Into Springboard for Economic Growth
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: Global Shocks Explains Most of Inflation Overshoot
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: Situation Has Become More Serious Over the Course of This Year
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: Core Inflation Has Become Broader Based
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: We Are Acutely Exposed to European Energy Price Shock
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: Longer-Term Inflation Expectations Have Risen Above Their Historical Long-Term Averages
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: We Must Not Allow People to Expect Inflation Will Remain High Over Long Term
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: Our Primary Tool to Fight Inflation Is Independent Monetary Policy
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: Right That Bank of England Is Independent
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: We Need Responsible Fiscal Policy
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: Fiscal Policy Should Not Make Inflation Worse
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: Fiscal Support Should Be Timely, Temporary and Targeted
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: In Autumn We Will Bring Forward Tax Cuts and Reforms to Encourage Business Investment
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: We Will Provide Significant Support to British People
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: Oil and Gas Sector Is Making Extraordinary Profits
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: I Am Sympathetic to Tax Those Profits
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: It Is Possible to Tax Extraordinary Profits and Encourage Investment
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: We Will Introduce a Temporary Energy Profits Levy
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: We Will Also Introduce an Investment Tax Incentive
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: New Levy Will Be Charged at Rate of 25%
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: New Investment Allowance Will Double Relief for Energy and Gas Companies
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: More a Company Invests, the Less Tax They Will Pay
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: Electrical Generation Sector Is Also Creating Extraordinary Profits
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: We Are Urgently Evaluating Scale of Extraordinary Profits in Electrical Generation Sector
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: Windfall Tax Will Raise 5 bln GBP
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: We Will Provide Targeted Support to Most Vulnerable
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: We Will Send to Around 8 Million Low Income Households a One-Off Payment of £650
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: This Is Support of 5 bln GBP
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: Payment Will Be Made in Two Lump Sums, First in July, Second in Autumn
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: We Will Send Payments Straight Into Bank Accounts
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: From Autumn, We Will Send Over 8 mln Pensioner Households an Extra Payment of £300
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: To Help 6 mln People on Disability Benefits, We Will Send a One-Off Payment of £150
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: Next Year, Benefits Will Be Uprated by This September’s CPI
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: Triple Lock Will Apply for State Pension Next Year
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: Will Extend Household Support Fund by 500 mln GBP
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: Taken Together, Our Support Will Help Around 1/3 of UK Households
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: Repayments in Future Years on Energy Bill Rebate Scheme Will Be Cancelled
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: Energy Bill Rebate Can Now Be Considered a Grant, Will Be Upped to £400
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: Measures Announced Today Total 15 bln GBP
*UK Finance Minister Sunak: Total Support Measures for Households Now Amount to 37 bln GBP

*UK Finance Minister Sunak: Thinks Inflationary Impact of Today’s Measures Will Be Manageable
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Not a windfall tax but a 'temporary targeted energy profits levy'.
Ahh yes, not that unworkable "Windfall Tax" proposed by Labour (who would turn us into vEneZUeLa dontchaknow with their MaGic mOnEy tREe) but a totally different "Temporary targeted energy profits levy" by the fiscally prudent Tory party with their magic money forest :cry:
The £200 'not-a-loan' to be repayed over 5 years was the stupidest proposal ever conceived though, I don't know a single person who actually wanted it, not even my under the breadline retired parents!
A huge number of people will **** that money up the wall as well.

Mark my words. When the energy prices fly up again in October there will still be huge numbers of people who genuinely can't afford it and even more who wasted the extra money they were given and can't afford it.

If you want to see what happens when you give people free money just look at Americas answer to COVID and where all that money went....
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