Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

the thing which blows my mind.... look recently at the amount of money we have just peed up the wall, with bad (corrupt?) contracts for dodgy PPE, a failed track and trace system where we could have used an almost off the shelf solution, money to a dodgy satellite company, written off fraudulent covid claims as well as "oops we forgot to insure against inflation". Am sure there are more these are off top of my head.

but that lot is in the region of £50 BILLION. a percentage of that would have gone a long way towards softening the current = temporary if managed correctly = energy crisis for more vulnerable people leaving a very large chunk of change, some of which could have gone towards green investment.
the thing which blows my mind.... look recently at the amount of money we have just peed up the wall, with bad (corrupt?) contracts for dodgy PPE, a failed track and trace system where we could have used an almost off the shelf solution, money to a dodgy satellite company, written off fraudulent covid claims as well as "oops we forgot to insure against inflation". Am sure there are more these are off top of my head.

but that lot is in the region of £50 BILLION. a percentage of that would have gone a long way towards softening the current = temporary if managed correctly = energy crisis for more vulnerable people leaving a very large chunk of change, some of which could have gone towards green investment.

Hs2. 100bln and climbing
Now the hardship starts - Today is my last day on fixed plan with Eon.
Up from 20p to 29p per unit.
Day rate has gone from 18p to 47p - How can they justify day rate going up when they are doing nothing extra.
Also managed to get it on pay the bill each month rather than fixed price monthly.
Does it cost any more to pay your bill each month, rather paying a fixed monthly direct debit? Will you be keeping the money you save in summer for higher winter usage? I'm not sure interest rates would reward me well enough to pay the bill each month.
It's amazing the amount of people who have kids who literally do not care

I also think the ship has sailed. Technically there's still time. But every time life gets difficult green stuff is chopped. So I very much doubt we will do enough in time.

I feel sorry for current kids. Even at mid 30s I will get the effects at the tail end of my life. Its already starting. And will only accelerate

Where is the proof that the ship has sailed?
Even threw in a load of mini octopus finger puppets. It was an eon engineer and there contract is coming to an end next week and she had a big box of them
We got some of them when they fitted or 4th lot of smart meters. Rather they knock the value of my bill to be honest.
Gas meter still not working so looks like they're going to fit a 5th gas meter. Feels like I'm stuck in am endless loop with these idiots, I'm not giving up though.
I get the going green, but does anyone really think us (as in just the uk) firing up coal plants is really going to make a sizeable increase in worldwide pollution (I'm thinking only temporarily powered up though). I'm sure I've read various other industries produce massive amounts (sure I saw something about fashion being the worst)
We got some of them when they fitted or 4th lot of smart meters. Rather they knock the value of my bill to be honest.
Gas meter still not working so looks like they're going to fit a 5th gas meter. Feels like I'm stuck in am endless loop with these idiots, I'm not giving up though.
Bare in mind your meter not working is likely not your suppliers fault. It's probably the signal in the area/where your gas meter is in relation to the electricity.
I get the going green, but does anyone really think us (as in just the uk) firing up coal plants is really going to make a sizeable increase in worldwide pollution (I'm thinking only temporarily powered up though). I'm sure I've read various other industries produce massive amounts (sure I saw something about fashion being the worst)
The counter argument is often to do with the UK leading the world into greener ways. I'm if the opinion if coal is viable (time and financially), then we should definitely.
Why would the first one work for 8 months then?
Could be upgrades to the network which has caused yours to go out of wack. Will be a few others around your area effected also. I'm surprised they have exchanged it so many times. The meters don't just stop communicating for no reason, the supplier isn't doing anything as they rely on the networks and distributors in the area to maintain the mobile phone infrastructure which is what the smart meters work on.

I'm assuming your meter is either blank or it's not acting as a smart meter by the way (not sending readings to the supplier and the IHD isn't working)
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I think we have to get used to these prices if they go down again, the cause with the climate will cause them to go back up at some stage. Climate change is going to be an eye opener for a lot people. The amount of refugees coming to UK/Irelands shores will be like nothing we have ever seen. Of course mainland eu will get their share, but jesus times are going to be bad. UN reckoned by 2050 up to 250 million people displaced.
Joined Octopus last Thursday, had a smart meter installed today! Octopus go here I come.

7.5p/kwh for the car (A3 PHEV) so about 2p per mile and 8.2kwh of cheep energy in the winter when the battery arrives in 2 weeks.
Sounds perfect even the car isnt too expensive considering that performance. I'd much prefer take that option but not everyone can, I hope that whole avenue expands anyway. Energy security was an issue raised 20 years or more ago and yet we took the easy option too often, europe even worse; hope we dont forget this lesson learned going forward. Any of the green energies have to be planned in surplus seems like since it wont always be windy etc.
Does it cost any more to pay your bill each month, rather paying a fixed monthly direct debit? Will you be keeping the money you save in summer for higher winter usage? I'm not sure interest rates would reward me well enough to pay the bill each month.

Does anyone on here pay monthly?

I hate DD so looking to pay monthly if and when house purchase completes.
Joined Octopus last Thursday, had a smart meter installed today! Octopus go here I come.

7.5p/kwh for the car (A3 PHEV) so about 2p per mile and 8.2kwh of cheep energy in the winter when the battery arrives in 2 weeks.
octopus Go or Go Faster are incredible deals if you have an electric car. I have the solar, the smart battery and am on Go Faster...... unfortunately i cant afford the car yet but its still decent deal if you can load all your use onto the off peak..
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