Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

It doesn't have to be. Ive used water as the example before so I'll do it again.

We extract our own water and we supply it to our own people at regulated prices.

Why cant we make our own energy and sell it to our own people at regulated prices?

because if you do that how are oil execs supposed to buy a new luxury yacht and pay the mooring fees for it in Monaco ?

Human greed will be the extinction of the race.
But that puts the emphasis on the employer to get the government out of the mess they've created.

They need to get hold of the standing charge of they really want to help the people.

I just don't understand why everyone gets so hung up on the standing charge?!

It's what? 45p a day? so £165 a year. What would you like them to do, halve it? that's saved you all of £82 over a year, drop in the ocean. Cutting the vat rate will save you more than that and that's only 5%. Sky high unit prices are where the problem is at.
I just don't understand why everyone gets so hung up on the standing charge?!

It's what? 45p a day? so £165 a year. What would you like them to do, halve it? that's saved you all of £82 over a year, drop in the ocean. Cutting the vat rate will save you more than that and that's only 5%. Sky high unit prices are where the problem is at.
95p a day here, and i spend less on gas and elec a day atm
was 14p a day last year, i can control my spending but hate the fact i cannot control the standing charge!
I just don't understand why everyone gets so hung up on the standing charge?!

It's what? 45p a day? so £165 a year. What would you like them to do, halve it? that's saved you all of £82 over a year, drop in the ocean. Cutting the vat rate will save you more than that and that's only 5%. Sky high unit prices are where the problem is at.
I want them to abolish the standing charge so that if I were to not use any gas or electric I wouldn't still have to pay for it, it's a massive con as the original infrastructure has been paid for hundreds of times over and we still have the standing charge for "maintenance and upkeep"
I want them to abolish the standing charge so that if I were to not use any gas or electric I wouldn't still have to pay for it, it's a massive con as the original infrastructure has been paid for hundreds of times over and we still have the standing charge for "maintenance and upkeep"
as already said the standing charge at the moment also includes the money spent on the failed energy companies. it isn't just the infrastructure.
I don't know how much infrastructure upkeep is as well as upgrading to support influx of electric cars etc and possible alternate forms of energy or storage (or how much the grid is involved) but am sure it's more than zero however
finally.... I am torn on the standing charge.

on one hand a high SC does not encourage people to use energy wisely, or to get green solutions such as solar, but OTOH it does mean that people like myself who has solar and storage (ie the lucky few) still pay in something to help those less fortunate who can't get these things and have to use energy all year round.
the SC is a drag, I hate it, for my gas for 8 months of the year it's far more than my bill but it does make sure I am paying something , without it the price per KW/h would likely go up even more which means someone will get even more hurt.
its a bit like the line rental on a telephone I guess. I dunno about you guys but my line rental is probably 3x more than my actual calls bill
I want them to abolish the standing charge so that if I were to not use any gas or electric I wouldn't still have to pay for it, it's a massive con as the original infrastructure has been paid for hundreds of times over and we still have the standing charge for "maintenance and upkeep"

The ‘original infrastructure‘ has about £1.5bn investment per year.
About 3% of a household bill covers infrastructure costs, (April 2022) so virtually nothing.

Also, National Grid investing about £50bn into upgrading the network, over the next 8 years

Do some research before you claim it a ‘massive con’ :rolleyes:
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if the costs get as high as i keep seeing reported eveyday, people wont need to join that dont pay group because they have had enough , people will be stopping paying simply because they cant afford it. is there any were online that shows how much in standing charges alone the energy network makes per day from everybody
if the average bill really does top £4500pa I could imagine riots. it is the kind of thing you normally see happening at the start of some post apocalyptic film just before the brownstuff hits the fan.
the only saving grace could be it may be a reality check for the nimby people who don't want wind generation in their local area. I would have supported it anyway as I think they look great and are necessary but surely a few of these around the outskirts of all towns in fields will put a dent in it (and provide well paid employment building them?)

storage of excess electricity will obviously be an issue as well. pumping water up hill will only do so much in some areas, batteries are expensive
(grid scale)
I have seen some interesting solutions for home "heat" batteries. essentially just a giant insulated stone block which off peak electricity heats up for use when needed, but grid scale surely this will be where hydrogen comes in.

hydrogen as an energy store is not great when your energy is coming from gas, but when it's from excess wind or solar the. it seems fantastic to me (note I am a biologist not an electrical engineer so feel free to tell me I am wrong )
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It's the same with solar people object because it would ruin the country side, except 99.9% the time they never go outside and even then most of the solar farms cannot be seen from the ground anyway. Most of them near me are surrounded by huge hedges.
It's the same with solar people object because it would ruin the country side, except 99.9% the time they never go outside and even then most of the solar farms cannot be seen from the ground anyway. Most of them near me are surrounded by huge hedges.
even forgetting countryside just how many square metres of industrial and municipal building roof do we have. that is surely a lot of solar. our leisure centre has made a half hearted efforts with a few dozen panels (not counted exactly) but there is room for at least 4x the amount.
even forgetting countryside just how many square metres of industrial and municipal building roof do we have. that is surely a lot of solar. our leisure centre has made a half hearted efforts with a few dozen panels (not counted exactly) but there is room for at least 4x the amount.
I understand it's hard to retrofit because of weight rather than space. Buildings need to be design with this systems in mind.
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