Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Could you have no have ordered 3/4 of that then the rest could have gone on toilet roll.

Absolutely not - That 1/4 will cost quite a lot more when I need it - we can always do what we did in my childhood. Cut up Daily Mail into squares -stack them -bodge hole in corner -put some string through and bingo home made loo roll.
I am kidding - like someone else said on here I have a loft full of loo rolls :D.
Demand more pay!!
I am on an occupational pension, waiting to see what this years rise will be but probably calculated before the fuel price hike. However have to take a pragmatic view in that massive pension increases without a matching return on the fund investment, soon there would be no pension. Tough though it is, better to see a slight erosion of the monthly income than to suddenly have none at all.
I am on an occupational pension, waiting to see what this years rise will be but probably calculated before the fuel price hike. However have to take a pragmatic view in that massive pension increases without a matching return on the fund investment, soon there would be no pension. Tough though it is, better to see a slight erosion of the monthly income than to suddenly have none at all.
I was lucky, I was given 5% in January which was a maximum for my pension scheme. I expect it will be about that for a couple of years but there is still slight erosion of the benefit. Still its better than a bent ha'penny.
Indeed the only way is to walk the streets and demand changes. It easy enough to do with a government with some care for the people. It's going to hit a lot of people who work for basic living very very hard. Yet profits are up across the board it's criminal.
Indeed the only way is to walk the streets and demand changes. It easy enough to do with a government with some care for the people. It's going to hit a lot of people who work for basic living very very hard. Yet profits are up across the board it's criminal.

This is the problem, its not criminal to make record profits at the expense of the poor. The government have quite literally said "these energy companies need to make loads of money so you need to give them more, if you can't afford it then we will give you a relief on your bills but that will just come out of taxes so you pay it anyway".

This is the dream for big business. You squeeze the poor so hard that they can't pay and the governments just pick up the bill and spread the costs to the next level up.

This is the reason I (and I'm sure many others) don't look too closely into these things. Its just ******* depressing when you look at the system as a whole. We are wrecking our planet, filtering money to to wealthiest in society at an ever increasing rate, telling the poor they are to blame for climate change while the rich swan around the world in private jets and people are just stressed and miserable. With the amount of wealth in the world, pretty much everyone should have a good existence. They don't. The vast majority are barely getting by and we actively punish anyone who has the sense to save money or prioritise their future over the immediate gratification of a new car or eating takeaway every other day. Society is just a mess currently.
This is the problem, its not criminal to make record profits at the expense of the poor. The government have quite literally said "these energy companies need to make loads of money so you need to give them more, if you can't afford it then we will give you a relief on your bills but that will just come out of taxes so you pay it anyway".

This is the dream for big business. You squeeze the poor so hard that they can't pay and the governments just pick up the bill and spread the costs to the next level up.

This is the reason I (and I'm sure many others) don't look too closely into these things. Its just ******* depressing when you look at the system as a whole. We are wrecking our planet, filtering money to to wealthiest in society at an ever increasing rate, telling the poor they are to blame for climate change while the rich swan around the world in private jets and people are just stressed and miserable. With the amount of wealth in the world, pretty much everyone should have a good existence. They don't. The vast majority are barely getting by and we actively punish anyone who has the sense to save money or prioritise their future over the immediate gratification of a new car or eating takeaway every other day. Society is just a mess currently.

Couldn't agree with this more. Especially the increasing of the poor/supported demographic.

As the costs are passed to the next rung of drags more people to the poor at same time as funneling more to the rich.

At some point long in the future may have an uprising. But I don't think we are anywhere near that yet.
Theres likely to be heavy lobbying to undo the limit for train operator ticket prices. Or there will be help for the companies - another No11 loanshark loan.
UK power generating companies aren't that profitable given the degree of risk they manage. The market requires substantial subsidies just to stay in business. Basically the model doesn't work. Gas and electricity suppliers aren't much better and the small ones weren't big enough to deal with the market volatility. It's a fairly heavily regulated market both wholesale generation and domestic.

I do think that a national monopoly for generation or maybe a duopoly might serve the country better but that genie is out of the bottle. Sadly Governent policy for the last 25+ years has only made things worse. The latest capacity market results came out today and the subsidies are increasing and a reasonable portion is being spaffed out on useless little gas engines that will probably never run. So we're subsidising a whole new tranche of carpetbaggers for some reason I can't understand.

Passivhaus err houses are probably the way to go, they don't leak heat like standard builds. Only the 1%ers will be able to build them... ah let me explain, 99% of the world is about to get nuked apparently (just been catching up on the news), the remaining 1% will be able to build Passivhauses ;) maybe with global warming + nuclear winter = perfectly balanced ecosystem, in a kind of Monty Burns kind of way.
UK power generating companies aren't that profitable given the degree of risk they manage. The market requires substantial subsidies just to stay in business. Basically the model doesn't work. Gas and electricity suppliers aren't much better and the small ones weren't big enough to deal with the market volatility. It's a fairly heavily regulated market both wholesale generation and domestic.

I do think that a national monopoly for generation or maybe a duopoly might serve the country better but that genie is out of the bottle. Sadly Governent policy for the last 25+ years has only made things worse. The latest capacity market results came out today and the subsidies are increasing and a reasonable portion is being spaffed out on useless little gas engines that will probably never run. So we're subsidising a whole new tranche of carpetbaggers for some reason I can't understand.
28% of current bill is green subsidy
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