Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Do you have a source?
Read your contract.

Edit to add, the FIT payment readings have nothing to do with the Smart meter, the readings are from its own meter(I'm with Good energy for my FIT contract, they have no idea if I have a smart meter or not)
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They had a free week of interest then; Octopus pays me out on the 1st of the month. :p

I know, I was thinking about this the other day, they obviously drag it right until the point of deadline, I guess the govnt states that it must be paid back latest a week in or something.
I know, I was thinking about this the other day, they obviously drag it right until the point of deadline, I guess the govnt states that it must be paid back latest a week in or something.
Mine might be due to my DD coming out on the 1st of the month.
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British Gas haven't generated an electric bill for me in 2 months now, so my account is £132 in credit despite being on "whole amount DD" ... I don't think their systems are coping well with these £66 credits.
Last months on your DD day?, it all seems so random.
No I’m on prepayment so we get a voucher but it took a while to arrive.

They were doing a piece on GMTV this morning about it apparently a 1/3 of prepayment vouchers have not used for what ever reason. Another typical government organised session in a brewery.
We are making assumptions that these people have huge flat screen tvs and fake Gucci handbags aka daily Mail. We should all be aware by now that we have a cost of living crisis, those at the bottom are facing ever increasing prices but no pay rises. Energy prices have sky rocketed of course people are going to struggle to pay it.

I'm not saying that, my point is that plenty of people make do with what they have got and others in exactly the same situation and income get themselves into mountains of debt. There are many reasons why people of all incomes end up on a pre-pay meter and its not always "big bad energy company preying on the impoverished".

As an interesting aside I am always suspicious of the stories people come out with to justify their issues.

"Kelly saw her spend got from £200/month to over £430 before they put her on a remote pre-pay tariff".

So she is using a metric **** tonne of energy and somehow has managed to rack up debts of over £1000 despite her bill rising by only £230/month and the fact that we haven't even had any cold spells this year yet.

Something doesn't add up. The new prices came in in October. Even ignoring everything else she has managed to rack up £1000 debt without doing something about it. She is either lives in an open sided barn or is being insane with her usage. Basically £15/day when the weather is very mild.

Yesterday we had the heating on, ran the washing machine and 2 loads in the tumble drier and had a dehumidifier running all day, 2 computers and monitors etc running all day and the TV on for quite a bit of the day. Oh and a beastly coffee machine that uses a fair bit of energy. We still spent about £9 on a SVR package.
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I haven't had a full month bill yet, another week to go. E.On have got my 2 govt credits perfectly and I am currently £227 in credit so will be interesting to see what it will be for 1 person in a 4 bed house that is very draughty. As posted earlier I only have the kids 3 nights a week and on weekend. thats mostly only time the heating goes on for their sakes not mine. I bought a cheap Primark Oodie thing which keeps me on the whole warm apart from my feet.
No I’m on prepayment so we get a voucher but it took a while to arrive.

They were doing a piece on GMTV this morning about it apparently a 1/3 of prepayment vouchers have not used for what ever reason. Another typical government organised session in a brewery.
How is it the government's fault if people don't use their vouchers?
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